Ordinary (Five Minute Friday)

Often on Friday’s you will find me writing with Lisa-Jo Baker, tales of a Gypsy Mama.   Lisa-Jo gives us a one word prompt and we write for 5 minutes–no editing.  I’ve been blessed my fellow writers–by reading about their lives–they become a blessing, often without realizing it.  A beautiful thing to experience.


I go to Target, I fold laundry, I try to follow a meal plan, yet at 5:00–it is still a scramble, I try to lose weight, I try to get up early, I clip coupons, I vacuum and dust . . . I get lost in the mundane.

I hide in the ordinary.  Such a comfortable cycle of wash, dry and put away.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I lost sight of how awesome I am.  As I begin to come out of my fog of the everyday–you know what I mean–you are driving along in the fog and then all of a sudden the sun is so bright it hurts!  or you drive along and a some point it the fog lifted but so slowly you didn’t even notice, and you say “wasn’t it foggy?”


I lost sight of how awesome my husband, my kids, my house, my life . . .

My life is anything but ordinary–it is amazing!  I just hit a foggy patch.

I was knit in my mother’s womb, fearfully and wonderfully made.  And so were you!  Maybe you hit a foggy patch too?

Be Blessed.