Fun Food Fact Friday #4

Welcome to the 4th week of Five Fun Food Fact Fridays!ffff#4

This week was a downer after the hype of the Olympics.  I was so disappointed in the Subway and McDonalds advertising.  I am very doubtful that the athletes actually eat fritos on their sub!  I really dislike the way our society advertises health with crappy food.  (I said it–crappy food!, I’ve wanted to say it for a while but didn’t have the courage.  This is for another post and not for today.)

On the blog this week I wrote about the dirty dozen, shared a video making my sweet potato lunch and wrote a post on 11 ways to use sweet potatoes!  We eat lots of sweet potatoes–14 years ago someone told me (Laura) that sweet potatoes boosted fertility–so I began eating them!  I’m not sure if that is an old wives tale or not but . . . I have 4 kids!  I have a great recipe for the stuffed sweet potatoes but I feel weird sharing a recipe made up of leftovers stuffed in a sweet potato.  Is that even a recipe?  

These are the Five Fun Food Facts for this Friday!

#1.  Meditation?  This is a food blog!

I know right!  The journey to writing Renee’s Kitchen has been brewing for several years now.  I won’t bore you with years of details and I’ll fast forward to last year.  My word for 2013 was intention–being present in each moment.  One of the steps I took towards being intentional was to begin a meditation practice or mindfulness practice–I found a few people who had soothing voices and I listened.  I walked each day while listening.  One day I listened to a message/meditation on living in harmony.  For me that clicked.  I knew that I had NOT been living in harmony and I needed to make some changes.  I sought out teachers and guides to help me on the journey of purpose and passion.   Renee’s Kitchen is a blog about embracing a vegan plant-based diet as well as embracing the idea that we can all live in harmony and with compassion.

 I’ve been following Bex now for a year –she is a mom of 4, a yoga instructor and has her own business.  I admire here on all levels.  Her website has some great “four-minute” meditations and lots of free yoga classes.  She is pregnant with baby #5 and I couldn’t’ be happier for her!

#2.  Sweet Potato Frittata (and living sustainably)

Kirsten has a fabulous looking sweet potato frittata recipe!  Not only is Kirsten an awesome cook she is an author as well– Less Toxic Living: How to Reduce Your Everyday Exposure to Toxic Chemicals – an Introduction for Families.  I have read this book and made some very simple changes for a big impact on how we live.  I am on her email list and she sends me great information every so often–anything from a great recipe to if my berries are toxic!  What I really love about Kirsten is that she answers my emails–I can ask her a question and she will joyfully do the research and point me in the direction that I need to go.  I love having a resource like her in my life–so I wanted to share it with you.

 #3. The best place for nutritional information!

My go-to website for all nutrition information is SELFnutrition data.  I’m a visual person so the graphs and charts are exactly what I need to see how what I’m eating measures up!

#4. Kids and toxins

Leah is a mom who lost over 100 pounds!  Ok–so that is amazing!  I am thrilled to have found her website (this weeks favorite!) and it has tons of well researched information.  This post on kids/hidden toxins was eye-opening and frankly a little scary.   The website is called MAMAVATION and I spent WAY too much time reading post after post–it just really spoke to my heart and validated some of my crazy thoughts!  I like it when I can find a place that makes me feel like I’m not “out there”.

 #5.  What is an anti-inflammatory?  

I think of Tylenol . .. or is it Advil?  I always need to double-check the label.  How can Tylenol and a pineapple are both an anti-inflammatory?

Well, it’s complicated.   I began to research inflammation I found–no controversy!  All of the medical research seems to agree on what causes inflammation in the chronic diseases like arthritis and the acute trauma like:

  • high sugar diet
  • sedentary life style/work environment
  • over training
  • lack of sleep
  • stress
  • not getting enough down time
  • not being in nature enough
  • too much and too little Omega 3 and Omega 6

Mark Sisson has an amazing blog loaded with information.  

Another resource is Dr. Weil’s website.  It has some great recommendations on his version of an anti-inflammatory diet.  What I found to be striking is the recommendation to eat fish and lean proteins TWICE A WEEK! So that really is 98% vegan. 

“Following an anti-inflammatory diet can help counteract the chronic inflammation that is a root cause of many serious diseases, including those that become more frequent as people age. It is a way of selecting and preparing foods based on science that can help people achieve and maintain optimum health over their lifetime.” 
Dr. Weil
Food Pyramid

Have a Blessed Weekend!



P.S.  I’m going to mention this in my email to subscribers and I thought I would also share it here, because it made me laugh out loud!  for real–not just the LOL without meaning!  Kathleen interviewed Pooh, a cat who writes, about the book he wrote “Why Cats are Better than Dogs.”

Sweet Video on Sweet Potatoes!

Are you ready for this week’s video?

Well, I made two–because I deleted the first one on accident!  Uggh.  

Honestly, I think the second one is actually better.  I have been making these stuffed sweet potatoes.  I saw a post on Pinterest and thought it looked like a neat idea–but the one I saw wasn’t vegan so I decided I would convert the recipe.  

I roasted the sweet potatoes by:

  1. wash the potatoes
  2. put on a baking sheet (no oil)
  3. put in cold oven
  4. turn oven on to 400
  5. set timer for an hour

That’s it!  The beauty is that you can eat them right away or not.  You can stuff them and reheat the next night.  You could even make a bunch and then make muffins!  Have I convinced you to go out and buy some sweet potatoes?  

Earlier this week I wrote this post about my beloved sweet potatoes!

Be Blessed.



P.S. Did you know you can follow me on Pinterest and Instagram?  I often post “my vegan lunch” or “my vegan dinner”–because some meals do not lend themselves to a recipe and are really more of a connection!  

11 Roasted Sweet Potato Recipe Ideas

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

. . . are so incredibly simple to make!  I turn the oven on to 400 degrees.  I wash the sweet potatoes and put them on a baking sheet.  Put the sheet in the oven.  Set the time for one hour.  When timer beeps–they are done!  (or you could steam them for 10 minutes or boil them–I just find that roasting works for me.)  Frugal Tip:  While the oven is on–roast lots of veggies or toss in some baked potatoes . . . or a batch of muffins!)  I even grew my own by accident!


Now what?

  • eat them with brown sugar and Earth Balance (vegan butter spread)
  • make a awesome stuffed sweet potato for lunch (need to watch the video for that.)
  • put them in a bowl and mash them
  • freeze them down for future use
  • make a soup
  • a vegan side dish for Thanksgiving
  • make a pasta sauce
  • make muffins
  • make pancakes
  • make ravioli (ok–I know that most people won’t do that but . .. it is super good!)
  • cut into chunks and add to a casserole

What I love about sweet potatoes are the availability!  You can find them in the grocery store year around and it is fairly easy to find organic varieties–I suggest organic.  Why organic?  I watched the video (in the link above) that changed how I look at organic food! 

Are they really good for you?

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 2.30.59 PM

I just finished a sweet potato video!  My videos are getting easier to do–but the planning, downloading, splicing, uploading and linking–always seem to take longer than what I think it SHOULD.  Thanks for sticking with me as I work through all the kinks!

Do you love sweet potatoes?  I know some of you do–I saw that on the Facebook page!  I would love it if you would share your ideas or recipes.  Leave your idea in the comments below so that we can all learn together!  I’ll share this–growing up we never had real sweet potatoes–always candied yams cooked with melted marshmallows–YUCK!  I didn’t like them then and I don’t like the idea now.  But I know for sure if I made them for my kids they would love it!

