I’ll be at Target–crying!

(I wrote this post last night.  Now it is morning and I couldn’t sleep at all last night.  In the quiet of the night I realized that I’m just really afraid of losing my boy–how he is now.  This age is so much FUN!  I am so blessed that he is so awesome and I’m lacking the faith that the future holds great things and lacking the grace to keep it together.  I think I’ll go back and read Psalm 139.)

Tomorrow is the first day of school.  My girls are home with me this year and my little is in preschool (3 days a week) and my big is starting middle school.

When my big kid decided to finish out 5th grade with his sibs–I was ok with that.  Well, may be not.  But I know that it was the best choice for him.

Now he will be away all day at a school that I will probably only be working lunch duty at his new school. . . a drastic change from my previous involvement.

So today is our last day with us all together.  It is also my little’s birthday.  So we had an awesome morning together and are gearing up for dinner and a cake the girls made and decorated all by themselves (a Lego Ninjago cake).

On our way home the girls asked what they will be doing tomorrow since it is the boys’ first day of school.  And without skipping a beat my “old”, wise, funny son said, “you’ll be in Target–and Mom will be crying”, he went on to explain the first week of school I cry but it gets less and less each day until it is only at lunch that I cry.

All of that is true.  I do go to Target on the first day of school–I have since his first day of preschool 8 years ago!  I do cry everyday and I do often cry at lunch.

I’m not afraid to cry and tell my kids I miss them.  I did promise my big that I wouldn’t fuss over him.

Ok, now I’m pre-crying as I write this!  God help me.

I’ll be linking up with


Works for Me Wednesday iFellowship Women in the Word Wednesday Living Well Wednesday Unwrapping His Promises God Bumps and God-Incidences Whatever Wednesday

Work in Progress Wednesday

Thought Provoking Thursday Thoughtful Thursday Thankful Thursday Proverbs 31 Thursday Life in Bloom Thrive at Home Thursday

19 replies
  1. Lisa notes...
    Lisa notes... says:

    Pre-crying. :-) I am familiar with that. I cried many days last year in anticipation of this year–my baby daughter’s first year in college. Now I’m an empty-nester and have cried less so far than the other years. I don’t understand it, but am thanking God for the peace in this season too.

  2. Redemption's Beauty
    Redemption's Beauty says:

    Every year gets a little easier for me. Mine are both teenagers now. But I used to cry and my stomach would be tied up in knots too. I hope you feel His presence with you this week, know that He’s with them in a tangible way. This mothering thing keeps us humble and on our knees doesn’t it?

  3. Amy Tilson
    Amy Tilson says:

    Oh, this is funny and a little melancholoy all at the same time. I love the matter-of-fact attitude that comes from kids concerning theri porr mamas. Hope you found a great deal at Target that just made you smile ear to ear. :) (Hopped over from New Life Steward)

    • renee
      renee says:

      Thanks for your comments. I did not find a great deal but I bought a great deal of things that were not on my list! ugghhh. now I’m crying for a different reason. Be Blessed and thank you.

  4. Sherri
    Sherri says:

    I’m a pre-crier as well. How hard it is to let our children go. My two oldest have graduated and moved out and there was a lot of crying involved in that one. Hope your year goes well!

    • renee
      renee says:

      I think the oldest is the hardest. I was just having this conversation last night that your first is often like your little buddy–especially if you left a “job” to come home and POUR yourself into the stay at home mom role . . . then the kid becomes hugely important. Then important changes to more of a passion. I think I may need to write another blog on this . . .

      Be Blessed.


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  1. […] month has blessed us with tons of change:  kids going to middle school, kids returning to preschool, kids at home being taught some character building first, life skills second and reading and math […]

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