
5 Lunch Box L.O.V.E. Notes #2

This weeks L.O.V.E. Notes!

First week of school went well.  When I saw the girls during “the sign of peace” at the school Mass–one was bouncing off the walls excited and the other was a teary eyed mess.  It ended up being a “hug of peace” and lots of reassurance .  As I sent her back to her teacher I cried all the way back to my pew.  (I cry a lot.  I always have–I’m a total emotion matcher.)  As I knelt down, on my knees praying for my little girl–I remembered that I had put a super encouraging note in her lunch box.  At that moment my world was all right again.  I knew that she would know, I intentionally set aside time in the crazy morning to put a loving note in her lunch box. 

That is my why of lunch box notes.  So my kid knows in the middle of the day I’m sending love and light!

  1. I am smart.
  2. I am funny.
  3. I am kind.
  4. I am loving.
  5. I show others I care.

These are a little different from last week.  I like to put in notes that say “you are” that is me affirming them BUT I also think it is hugely important for them to affirm themselves.  To learn to love ourselves is important for all of us.  We need to accept the light within us, given by the Divine, and love ourselves first, then we can spread that love to others.  (I was going to write that today anyway–it just so happens that Fr. Trout’s homily was about that!)  


I see the light in myself and honor it.  (first) I see the light in you and honor it. (second) The light that we see is the collective divine.  It is what connects us and makes us all brothers and sisters.  (keeping in mind that siblings fight! but with respect can come to a understanding.)

Helping our kids see that the light shines from within them is fundamental.  Give it a try and see how your kids change as they stop looking for external approval and seek it from the Source.  Amazing things happen.

Come Back Each Week!

I will post 5 new love notes each week!  

Follow Me On Instagram!

I post daily lunches on instagram and will use Periscope more and more@


Need Help packing lunches?

No worries–I am going to post the lunches that I make on Instagram and create a Periscope video!   I will also have a weekly round up of the lunches here on the website!  My goal is to help moms create healthy lunches THAT KIDS WILL EAT!  It won’t take long and it isn’t expensive!  I promise.

Be Blessed as you eat and live with L.O.V.E.!

5 Lunch Box L.O.V.E. Notes #1

Love Notes

Who doesn’t like to get a little love note?

love note

A long time ago I read about Love Languages and even wrote a post or two about them.  The idea resonated with me–we all have our own love language, something that makes our heart sing.  Each of my 4 kids has a different love language AND they change over time (sometimes hourly!).  Love notes in a lunch box are a the “words of affirmation” love language.


5 Love Notes to get you started

I was going to make a fancy PDF for you to print out but then . . . that just isn’t my style.  I’m not a print it out, cut it up and then put it in my kids lunch box!  

But what I do like to do is make my love notes all at once, put them near the lunch making supplies so they will be ready to go!  Of course, if the kids have a test that day I’ll add a note that reads–good luck on your test or something more specific like–don’t forget 6 x8 =48!  Or if they have a spelling work they just can’t get–I’ll make silly sentences that use that word.  Simple.  Heartfelt.  Intentional.  

  1. Have a great first day of school!  (then I add lots of hearts and crazy loops.)
  2. You have a great smile–use it today!
  3. I have something special for you when you come home!  
  4. You are awesome.
  5. Do you feel loved?  You should.  I love you tons!





Teenagers and High Schoolers

I have been blessed by the opportunity to homeschool all of my kids at some point in their education.  I know my kids will agree with me when I say, homeschooling has given us the ability to connect with each other in a very special way.  The bonds that we created have truly been everlasting.  

My son and I share some great memories and seek out new memories together.  For example this summer we took a 6 mile kayak trip on Lake Superior and have planned “one” of our next adventures for the coming year–kayaking to the island and spending the night.  (I hope I don’t chicken out!)  You get the idea.  Creating a relationship based on unconditional love takes time.  What you give is what you get.

What’s that have to do with lunch box love notes?

I want my son to just know how much I love him.  Silently.  I will add chocolate chips to the nuts in his lunch–no big deal, but I’ll tell him when you see chocolate chips–I want you to know how much I love you!  Chocolate chips= I love you.  At the moment I’m looking for a little photo of a kayak . . . it doesn’t need to be huge–just something that speaks to both of you.

Come Back Each Week!

I will post 5 new love notes each week!  

Follow Me On Instagram!

I post daily lunches on instagram and will use Periscope more and more@


Need Help packing lunches?

No worries–I am going to post the lunches that I make on Instagram and create a Periscope video!   I will also have a weekly round up of the lunches here on the website!  My goal is to help moms create healthy lunches THAT KIDS WILL EAT!  It won’t take long and it isn’t expensive!  I promise.

Be Blessed as you eat and live with L.O.V.E.!supplies

I’ll be at Target–CRYING! again!

Last year at this time I wrote a post called–I’ll be at Target–crying.  It was my real-time experience of having my oldest son go to middle school.  I missed his so incredibly much–not like I didn’t have a whole house full of other kids who needed me.  Doesn’t quite make sense . . .

driving to the bus stop!

Last year, was my first year of having #1 son gone and the others homeschooled.  That entire part of my life had just flipped and I was hurting.  My son finishes me sentences, he eats whatever I give him, he joyfully does his school so that he can go out and play soccer.  He is a absolute JOY to be around.  I didn’t want to lose that and I sure as heck didn’t want to give it to a group of teachers that wouldn’t see his talents.

This year, he leaves again, I’m homeschooling the other kids . . . and we ALL miss him . . . really, really miss him.

me, parked far enough away not to be embarrassing but close enough to get a picture!  Not gonna lie--I was crying when I took this!

6th grade came and went.  I had several opportunities for both of us to grow.  I wrote this post at the beginning of our first year.

All of this change gave me the time to reflect on how I wanted the relationships with my kids to grow/develop.  They don’t tell you any of this in the baby books!

Wanna know what I came up with?  I want my kids to come to me rather than going to Google!

How am I gonna do that?  I’m not sure.  The first thing is to let him know each day that I am available for him–I may not say “I’m always here if you need to talk.”  but I will make myself available for spontaneous conversations . . . or I’ll pick him up a Taco Bell Mountain Dew Baja Blast and have it waiting for him . . . he knows that is love . . . sugar, food coloring, no doubt high fructose corn syrup and zero nutrients!  A treat for sure!  But it will get the conversation going!

I wrote about the five love languages and I plan on revisiting my own posts!  I think that his love language might have changed from Quality time to Acts of Service.  The other three are physical touch, words of affirmation and giving and receiving gifts.

I’ve found that being mindful and intentional does not come easily.  It sound crazy to think about scheduling in time to be mindful.  I suppose if I were a yogi or a nun it might come a little easier!

Be Blessed.  Really!  Be Blessed as we walk along our journey–trying each day to do our best.  Even on days when my best isn’t all that great . . . I know I tried.