Top Ten Fall Recipes

I love fall!  I love winter.  I enjoy the snugginess (new word) of the season.  I drink more tea or hot water with honey.  I especially like the foods of Fall/Winter–root vegetables, soups, stews, with homemade bread and biscuits.

I recently moved and found tons of recipes–this particular batch are from my side of the family.  These are the foods that we had growing up and a few are newer–like the corn pudding my sister in law makes–so good.  One day I’ll write my cook book and include all of these recipes–I especially like the recipes in my Mom’s handwriting–scribbled on whatever paper was available.  In that cookbook . . . I will have as many of the original recipes–following a recipe that is handwritten . . . makes me feel like I have a special connection . . . just like when I use my husband’s grandmothers measuring spoons–I wonder if she ever thought that someone like me would be using them nearly everyday. . . I wonder if my kids will use those same measuring spoons or will they get something new and fancy?

Grandma’s Spoons

Aunt Laura’s Corn Pudding

Jim’s Soup–my stepfather loved to cook and “play with his food”

my Mom just put it in the oven with whatever else was cooking.

my mom’s handwriting in red pen, on the paper from Michigan Bell, looking very loved

we ate a lot of zucchini

This is from my husband’s family–now a tradition of ours.

a chocolate version

Mary Ellis was my Mom’s best friend–her husband Don was a hoot! and they both loved to cook.

I have been inspired over the years to have wonderfully talented and creative people guiding my own innate foodiness (new word).  This is my Sweet potato muffin recipe.  I play with the ingredients with whatever I have on hand.

Be Blessed and my your hands joyfully prepare meals.  Sometimes when I think cooking is not that exciting any more–I think what if this were my first meal I ever cooked–or the last?  What enthusiasm would I have for the task?

I’m linking up with these wonderful blogs Ultimate Recipe Swap, Many Little Blessings

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  1. […] yet needed to keep it on topic of my 31 days . . . (not sure what I’m going to do for Ultimate Recipe Swap on […]

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