18/31 days of honesty: a different kid


I have a kid that is different from most.  He is so different that he eludes any type of diagnosis.  He does have a “some times” diagnosis of apraxia–but some days the slew of therapists think it might just be “low muscle tone”–or maybe not.

Some days I wish that I did have a Dx so that I could confidently say to the grumpy lady in the grocery store “he has whatjamacallit” and then move on with my life.  Some days I wish that we didn’t have to go to the grocery store–but then I see the Mom I know with her perfect child . . . falling apart in the store (maybe even worse than my kid) and I smile on the inside as I remind myself that my kid has age appropriate meltdowns.

When God made my kid–he picked him out just for me.  God knew that I could handle every thing that came my way with this particular child.  I trust God–that he made the right choice and that he will help me on those hard days.

When you have a child who is different your world gets smaller at first because you aren’t sure who you can trust and as parents we need to protect our kids–not just from the intolerance of other kids but of the intolerance adults.  As I have opened myself up and let others in who have kids who are different . . . I have found amazing support.

Let me just be clear–I’m still a Mama Bear and probably won’t ever let my guard down.  I have been know to make grumpy old ladies cry in the grocery store . . . I am joyfulmombaude but try not to poke the bear with the stick–I love my kids and the other special kids that I help take care of–because that is how God made me.  He gave me a huge heart and open arms.

It is not just me and my kid–please do some research on your own–the special needs classes in school are bursting–the need for speech therapist and occupational therapist is overwhelming–the number of kids in foster programs, rehab programs and or just families who need respite care–lots of people could use just a little bit of help–a meal, grocery shopping, or simply just being more tolerant, at the very least!

I’m linking up today with Denise at Life in Bloom and Jessica at Thoughtful Thursday.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. carryitagain says:

    When my oldest was young, he was ALL BOY and took up a lot of space. He looked much older than his calendar age, so others expected him to act the age he looked. He was age appropriate, but didn’t appear that way. If only a DX could have helped us! His differences were just physical, but no less hard to cope with. He’s a fine young man now, and has grown into himself. Whew! God knew what He was doing after all! Each child is so unique that even when they appear “normal”, that definition is only vague. We can’t possibly fit into a tiny mold made up of 6 little letters. I think God made Mama Bears too. And some Mamas are big enough to mother everyone. That’s where you come in.

    1. renee says:

      Some days are harder than others. At then end of the day I feel like I should take an average of my overall “rating” for the day–or maybe a point system for Mommies!

      Be Blessed.

  2. simplyhelpinghim says:

    Isn’t it amazing to think that God gave us our children for a reason? How lost we feel sometimes! Thank you for the encouragement! We’re neighbors today at Thoughtful Thursday ;) Blessings! simplyhelpinghim.com

    1. renee says:

      We are often “neighbors”–we must be on a similar schedule :-). I enjoy visiting your blog each day–I’m inspired.

      Be Blessed.

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