26/31 days of honest and FMF: voice



I’m loud.

You can hear my voice–a few streets over.

Every morning.

“get in the car”

God, it is the same everyday–why can’t my kids just listen to me?

Oh, it is the same for me everyday too (you want me to listen too)–thanks God for the reminder.

Tomorrow morning it will be different.

“Please get in the car you precious gifts from God”

Thank you for showing me the log in my eye!


With Lisa Jo:  We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that I post here at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday.

14 Comments Add yours

  1. Missindeedy says:

    Ha! If you hear someone a couple of streets (states) over, it might be me. I really enjoyed the lighthearted yet convicting way you approached this prompt.

    1. renee says:

      Thank you! I’ll listen for you come Monday morning :-)

      Be Blessed.

  2. fireball3316 says:

    lol i so relate to this one :o)

  3. Wick says:

    Haha….over from FMF….saw your title, and it caught me. I’ve probably yelled it myself. I’m often humbled when I raise a stern tone to my middle child, using her middle name. It’s “Grace”. God laughs at me….saying, “See what I did there?” Oh God….you sure are sneaky.

    1. renee says:

      love it!

      Be Blessed.

  4. Barbie says:

    Oh I can so relate to this!

  5. eil1een says:

    Short and powerful! I like it.

    1. renee says:

      just like me–I’m short and powerful!

      How are you doing with the course? I keep waiting to hear your voice on the phone :-)

      Be Blessed.

  6. shortybear says:

    Good post.

  7. Andrea Hughes says:

    I would like to tell you that rides in the car will get better as the children grow, but sadly, mine are all twenty-something now, and we still have stragglers and arguments over who gets to sit up front. But if it gives you any comfort…I still scream at them durring these events just like I did when they were younger, and, just like when they were younger, my yelling and threatening falls on deaf ears. I can’t help but wonder at what point in our lives this will change. I suppose it will be when I am old and gray(er) and they are driving me for weekly trips to the grocery and beauty parlor. Then I can yell “frontseat” and race on my walker toward the car!

    1. renee says:

      Andrea you crack me up! At least I know it won’t change! Maybe you should get a cane too–you can trip them if they try and get past you! Thanks for always giving me insight into the future.

      Be Blessed.

  8. That mom voice can be a blessing or a curse! Been there, done that!

  9. Christy says:

    Oh that log in the eye! How easy we get distracted by life that we forget who we are talking to. Thanks for the reminder.

    A Heartening Life – http://www.ahearteninglife.com

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