I was talking with some friends at the end of Vacation Bible School–the topic was:
How could I get so far behind in just one week?
I’m a planner and a very organized person but I too was a bit overwhelmed. I had just gotten back from a trip to the cabin (400 miles away), then a week of VBS, and now packing for another trip to a different cabin (400 miles away) in a different direction. So this is my plan to not feel overwhelmed.
- Leave the house clean and tidy. I want to remember to cover the couches so that when the cat sheds (or something gross happens), I just need to wash a couple of sheets. I want to put some cleaner in the toilet so they will be nice when I get home.
- I will have a frozen dinner ready to go for the evening when we come home and thaw muffins for the morning. Juice–can’t forget the juice.
- I will pay all the bills before we leave.
- I will have all the laundry done before we leave (maybe not folded and put away).
- I will sort the dirty clothes on vacation so I can start a load right away.
- I will only take what I really need on vacation. That way I will have less to put away. I will plan outfits to wear, that I like, not just randomness.
- I will see if the sitter is available the day after I get back so I can go grocery shopping. After we are gone on long trips the kids just like to get their “nests” back in order.
- I will spend 15 minutes a day on vacation deleting emails that I know I don’t need–that way I won’t come home to an inbox that is overflowing. Maybe I should take time to subscribe to all the extras I never open . . .
- No matter how crazy things get I will keep my “15 minutes of quiet time” and reflect on my blessings and pray for others.
- I will enjoy the time away with my family knowing that I won’t feel overwhelmed and burdened by responsibilities.
I did forget one thing–on vacation I’m going to try to knit a top-down Raglan sweater for my sweet girl–it required several swatches for gauge and pattern stitching (and lots of math)–I digress–I like to have a knitting project that I’m really excited about to start while on vacation–I know I’ll have some time to knit in the car and our mornings are slower on vacation. One year I brought a book that I wanted to read–just something for me. I do this because even though I change locations, my job as a Mom come with me–breakfast, lunch, dinner, cleaning and managing kids does not disappear–so I like to plan just something a little nice for myself.
Thank you God for Lake Superior, what a beautiful place you have created.
Today I’m linking up with Thankful Thursdays–I’m thankful the weekend is almost here!