Advent idea #6 recycled candles

When I began getting my ideas together for Advent I had no idea that it would snowball into a mini-series!  As our family has grown in size, a deeper faith, and more opinions . . . I want to accommodate my little disciples with a form of worship that will work for them.   (it really isn’t all about them–I like to mix it up)

Every year I’m in a scramble to find purple and pink candles–then I end up giving up because I can’t find what I want–the candles are too fat, too tall, too skinny, not tall enough . . . the wrong shade of pink or not purple enough!

the paint collection!  and the jars.
the paint collection! and the jars.

So this year–I used glass containers that I would have normally recycled and then I painted them!  Genius!  I went to Michael’s, used my coupon to get this great glitter glue for 50% off–only to find the glitter glue–although beautiful–does not cover the glass–to my liking!  So I went to Plan B–a trip to JoAnns–with my coupons and bought different paint–the pearl variety.  That worked!

lots of purple in this house!  Happy Advent!
lots of purple in this house! Happy Advent!

These are fun–I like the idea that the jars are a little different.  The kids love painting (win) and we certainly worked in a ton of occupational therapy and some speech therapy (win, win)–I want my kids to have the memory of “remember the year we painted glass for Advent” . . .  nothing more . . . creating a memory that can be recycled again.  (Again, that might be more for me–I want to focus more on the moment and not how I might preserve it . . . )

Tomorrow I will be posting on how I work in OT and SLP into our everyday activities.

Be Blessed as you explore new ways to celebrate Advent.

Today I’m linking up with All things christmas, deck the halls, frugal fridays Simple Lives Thursday @ GNOWFGLIN, Tuesday Greens, Works for me Wednesday, Tuesday Greens, Work in Progress Wednesdays

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Gretchen O'Connor says:

    Love the painted jar idea! I have also had a hard time finding pink & purple candles. I’ve solved it by tying ribbon around white ones (always available). I’ve reused the ribbons for years and use the leftover candle nubs for firestarters for our fireplace or for campfires.

    1. renee says:

      I love that idea of a fire starter! I’m going to get some fabric ribbon tomorrow–but only what I need–can you believe that I don’t have any in the basement?

      Thanks for you ideas!

      Be Blessed.

  2. Cool idea! Love crafty ladies because I am not so crafty myself. Merry Christmas

    1. renee says:

      These would be pretty painted any color–I dressed them up a little bit after I read Gretchen’s comment.

      Thanks for stopping in!

      Be Blessed.

  3. nursenan72 says:

    love the OT and Sp Tx- this is a great idea for all children and adults- make your own-such a fun way to introduce Advent and for children to have a vested interest-“I painted that”

    1. renee says:

      We do OT/SLP Therapy each day–it is simple but takes some planning. I guess everything is simple with planning . . . but you get the idea.

      Be Blessed.

  4. Tanya Marlow says:

    I love the creativity here! I don’t have these kinds of ideas, so I need people like you to provide them for me. Thanks!

    1. renee says:

      Just what I need to hear! As I’m taking pictures thinking “what difference does this make?!?” Now I know–I made a difference to you! Thank you so much for your comment!

      Be Blessed.

  5. Great upcycling idea for the holidays! Thanks for sharing on Tuesday Greens!

    1. renee says:

      Thanks–I’m loving your blog!

      Be Blessed.

  6. Lisa says:

    What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Renee says:

      thanks! I love Advent!

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