What’s Your Title?

Do you use labels for people?   I do.  We love to give titles.  SAHM, WAHM, Nurse, Dentist, School Volunteer, Lunchroom Mom, Lawyer, Soccer Mom, . . . the list is never-ending.  Then we attach expectations to those labels and titles. Then we feel like we need to live up to those titles.  Then we…

Boxed Water?

Really?  Boxed Water? I’m not gonna lie.  I’m skeptical.  I ran into the store the other day to pick up 3 lbs of potatoes to make mashed mojo de ajo potatoes and I saw this.  I stopped dead in my tracks.  The kids immediately said “Mom, you are gonna write about this on your blog…

Happy Earth Shoe Day!

Do you love Summer? For me the best thing about summer is not wearing socks!  I know, weird huh!  What about you?  What is your favorite thing about summer? The Most Comfy Sandals I’m not sure if I’m on my feet most of the day but it sure feels like it!  I always seem to…