Clean 15 Food List

Hey Food Friends! Last week I posted the dirty dozen food list–it included foods that are best purchased organic vs. conventional.  I also mentioned how I manage to remember a list of 12 things in addition to the 5 million other things I’m trying to remember.  I had a great memory until my 4th kid!…

Fun Food Fact Friday #4

Welcome to the 4th week of Five Fun Food Fact Fridays! This week was a downer after the hype of the Olympics.  I was so disappointed in the Subway and McDonalds advertising.  I am very doubtful that the athletes actually eat fritos on their sub!  I really dislike the way our society advertises health with…

Sweet Video on Sweet Potatoes!

Are you ready for this week’s video? Well, I made two–because I deleted the first one on accident!  Uggh.   Honestly, I think the second one is actually better.  I have been making these stuffed sweet potatoes.  I saw a post on Pinterest and thought it looked like a neat idea–but the one I saw…