November Homeless Dinner (Loaves and Fishes Cookbook)

Do Unto Others . . .  This week our Moms group will prepare dinner for 50 homeless men, women and children.  Our church offers them a hot meal and a warm place to stay for the night.  My role is to plan the meals that can be prepared ahead of time and then reheated by…

Vegan Thanksgiving Dinner: Sweet Potatoes

 Sweet Potatoes at the First Thanksgiving?  Sweet potatoes are a Native American plant thus making it a true American food.  It was a main source of nutrition for the early homesteaders and for soldiers during the Revolutionary War.  I didn’t know all that!  I just thought they were super good and the reason I was…

Food School: a 31 day course (day 31 what I learned)

Happy Halloween! I’m going to be Kermit for Halloween tonight–so I bought this hat (the kids begged me too!)–which I love and it is super warm.  Do you remember the song that Kermit sings?  “It’s not easy being green . . . ”  that is exactly how I feel right now.   I love Joyful…