Food School: a 31 day Day Course

I love a challenge don’t you? October 2013 brings a new challenge.  Each year 1000’s of bloggers write for 31 days–on one topic, or if you are like me you have the best of intentions to begin with a great idea and end the month in a totally different way.  Last year I stumbled into…

Sweet Potaotes Food School: a 31 day course

 I love fall foods and sweet potatoes are one of my absolute favorites.  My family eats them mashed, in a puree over pasta, muffins and cubed in soup.   [yumprint-recipe id=’1′]To receive a free copy of my Blessed by Breakfast cookbook, please go to and sign up! I send updates that include; family tested…

Happy? Bryan to the Rescue!

Have you ever met someone and it just clicked? I had that experience with Bryan Hutchinson.  What I find so refreshing about Bryan is that he is the real deal–like–really the real deal, I’m not just saying that.  I know I tend to lean towards hyperbole but not this time.  Bryan wrote  HAPPY EVERY DAY…