The Organized Home (School)

I’m now a contributor with Simply Helping Him with Misty Leask. My first article is about The Organized Home (School) and you can read it here! The intention of each day is set to be organized, have less stress and create a joyful home.  Some days are better than others! Be Blessed.

$2.85/day for School Lunch

I make my son lunch for school.  They offer hot lunch–but I’m not a fan of the hot lunch.  I have been volunteering for lunch duty a minimum of once a week for 6 years now!  I see that the kids don’t eat the hot lunch, not only is it wasteful but kids need lunch…

The In-Between by Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins is my mentor AND he happens to have a new book out with the great title “The In-between”.   As a student of Jeff’s I wanted to share a little bit about my version of “The In-Between”. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  I believe that.  I believe that each moment is…