Beloved (Five Minute Friday)

On Friday I like to write with at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog.  She gives a prompt and we write for five minutes unedited.  I like to participate by writing but I also LOVE reading how one word inspires so many other women . . . here I go for this week.


I am my beloved and he is mine!  My hands are showing their age–a life lived hard by serving others.  Most women are embarrassed by the spots and such–not me.  I’m ready to live out the next half of my life with grace and service–while wearing my vow . . .

I am my beloved and he is mine!



This is my wedding band–in Hebrew it is inscribed with “I am my beloved and he is mine.”  For the full story check it out here!


Be Blessed as you embrace exactly where you are, to be the woman you were meant to be!

19 Comments Add yours

  1. That is beautiful! I love that verse as well. What a beautiful story to your ring. I love that you are excited about living out the next half of your life with “grace and service”. What an amazing perspective! Be blessed!

    1. Renee says:

      I think that you need to live the first half–to give you the wisdom to view the second half with perspective.

      Be Blessed.

  2. Rose says:

    Visiting from FMF! Love that ring!! How cool!!

    1. Renee says:


      Be Blessed.

  3. ~Karrilee~ says:

    Beautiful! The ring… the verse… the attitude to wear your beauty in service proudly! I love that!

  4. Mrs. H. says:

    My hands are wearing thin. Hours in the sink. Love that the wearing is a reflection of love, and beautiful canvas to showcase our vows. I love my hands too. {and I used this verse today too … }. Loved this.

    1. Renee says:

      Great minds think alike–I have a weekly newsletter called “common ground” because I think we are all traveling on the same path just in different places along . . .

      Be Blessed.

  5. Howdy, Renee! I tried to link up with you gals on FMF, but received repeated syntax errors. Oh well.

    I want to encourage you now . . . Lovely beloved story and ring–especially worn on your beautiful hands. All three a testimony to our God! :)

    1. Renee says:

      I’ll check it out . . . thanks.

      Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. It is such a gift you have to help others.

      Be Blessed.

      1. Howdy, Renee. Thank you for your kind words. I logged onto Facebook awhile ago and caught up on some posts. Are you in Tribewriters? I think I saw your lovely face and recognized your name on a post. If we have connected there before and I forgot, please forgive me. If we haven’t yet “met” in the Tribe . . . well, “Hello. I’m Shannon. What a treat to meet you.” Joyful, happy weekend to you! :)

  6. I have been thinking about hands lately, this is beautiful. YOU are beautiful

    1. ps. I took a picture of my Grandma’s hands a few years ago that I am going to write about. I was dismayed over my aging hands but have learned to see them with grateful eyes

    2. Renee says:

      I have my Mom’s hands! As a writer, knitter, chef–I use my hands constantly to create . . . they reflect a life well lived!

      Thanks you for your comments!

      Be Blessed my friend!

  7. Hello Renee, Loved the puppy dogs. A beautiful love story.

    1. Renee says:

      I’m not sure that the jeweler shared my enthusiasm! but few people do and I’m ok with that :-)

      I do like cats too!

      Be blessed my friend.

  8. Amy P Boyd says:

    I don’t think I will ever look at my hands or anyone else’s the same again. Every wrinkle, scar or spot has a memory and a story behind it. Thanks so much for sharing your story.

    1. Renee says:

      We all have a story . . . some live out on our hands, but some live in our hearts . . .

      Thanks for your words–they encourage me to write with simple honesty.

      Be Blessed.

  9. Heather Goyette says:

    Beautiful! You say so much in so few words! Love the ring too.

  10. Barbie says:

    Beautiful ring! Have a beautiful weekend.

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