What is Vegan?
This was a question that I had via Facebook! Thanks for your question Anastacia.
I’m not exactly a vegan. I’m an Accidental Vegan by way of being compassionate and I have kids with food sensitivities and one kid who refuses to eat a “dead animal”, so I have her chose different words while showing respect for her choice.
This is my back story. One morning I woke up and the world looked different. My husband was more handsome than ever, my kids were funnier than ever, the grass had shades of green that I had never noticed before! Was I crazy? Menopausal? or did I merely wake up to my calling in life? To really see life for what it is, an amazing journey, while standing in my own truth. Whatever you call it . . . her I am! An Accidental Vegan.
After that morning, I began listening to how my body felt when I ate certain foods. I realized that coffee with half and half was not serving me well! I noticed that when I ate salads with homemade dressings–I felt lighter and more open. It was difficult to not drink coffee. After all, that IS what I do in the morning. I needed to get past the grip of habit.
I have been a bigger woman for longer than I would like . . . for 13 years now. One day, I woke up so happy to finally be pregnant! It was so incredible to know that months and months of trying everything–finally, I was at the perfect season of my life–motherhood! But my first go around with motherhood only lasted 14 weeks. I was . . . devastated. Now, years after we started trying . . . we were starting over.
Good news, bad news: My second pregnancy was successful. I decided at that moment, if I had to lose a baby to get one I would. But I NEVER thought that I would actually lose another baby! My third pregnancy ended at 16 weeks. Food was now my friend, counselor, therapist, ob-gyn, and mom! You see–I found out that I was pregnant for #3 the morning of my mom’s funeral. I lost two babies and my Mom in less than two years–that’s a lot of emotion, heartache, joy, sorrow, self-doubt the list goes on and on.
Why do I mention these tragedies as part of “what is vegan?” I think that our life stories create the person we are going to become. I know that if I did not have those experiences that I would NOT be mindful and intentional. So I urge you to look upon your life with compassion and see if it leads you in a direction . . . invite your own transformation. I’m living a compassionate life, for me that means not eating meat–will it always be like this? I don’t know. I know that I will chose compassion but I don’t know what that will look like on my plate.
Back to the top: What is a Vegan?
Vegan: a person who does not eat animals or use animal products. A vegan diet is different from a vegan lifestyle, that does not use any animal derived products or products that harm animals.
Pescatarian: does not eat meat but does eat fish.
Semi-vegetarian: eats mostly vegetarian diet but will eat meat on occasion.
Lacto-ovo vegetarian: do not eat the flesh of animals but will eat eggs and dairy.
Ovo-vegetarian: do not eat the flesh of animals but do eat eggs.
Raw vegan or a Raw foods diet: consist of unprocessed vegan foods that have not beeen heated above 115 degrees.
If all of that isn’t confusing enough we have the Atkins diet, Paleo Diet, Mediterranean Diet . . .
I eat a mostly an organic plant-based diet because it makes me feel good. This is what I DON’T EAT:
- dairy–milk just makes me feel really ill–I’ll spare you the details!
- eggs–they just don’t taste good to me any more.
- HFCS–high fructose corn syrup–because it is made with genetically modified corn
- GMO containing foods. I just don’t want to eat genetically modified food.
- meat–I don’t “knowingly” eat the flesh of any animal. I just don’t want to harm any living thing.
- food that is harvested by exploiting humans.
- food that is harvested by exploiting the earth.
That morning when I woke up and life looked different. I had no idea the direction that I would be moving into. I had no idea what it was like to finally stand in my truth. I had no idea how much I would love my life.
Be Blessed.
To receive a free copy of my Blessed by Breakfast cookbook, please go to http://blessedbybreakfast.com and sign up! I send updates that include; family tested and approved recipes, video tutorials, tips and tricks on how to begin your day with the blessing of food.
Books I suggest: The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Secrets Behind What You Eat,
Young Readers Edition The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
Hope’s Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet
Some of my friends have also joined the 31 day challenge:
Anastacia Maness http://rocksolidfamily.com/31-days-building-commitment/
Racquel Narciso http://howtomakeitinsanfrancisco.com/…/
Pamela Hodges http://ipaintiwrite.com
I’m linking up to these blogs.
Thank you, Renee! This really helps me a lot.
I’ve been so mixed up with all the different eating trends. Your post really helps put it into a clearer light for me. I’m bookmarking this page for future reference.
So glad that it helps–I still get confused. When I say–this is a Vegan meal people ask tons of questions. I love answering questions!
Be Blessed.