Kindle Book–Jeff Goins

I’m inspired.  I have the passion.  Finding the time is tricky–especially now with school–2 home schooled, 1 in preschool and 1 in “away school”, and all in soccer!!!  I love connecting and I write everyday–but may not post.  I’m even motivated to start another blog joyful learning to pair up with joyful living.

But I still need to read other writers who inspire me.  I spend some time reading other blogs and I follow the the writings of Jeff Goins–his blog and his books.  This is an ebook from him that I downloaded onto the iPad via the kindle app.  Now I have something to read during soccer practice.

This is the email that he sent out and I’m sharing it on my favorite link ups!

Works for Me Wednesday
Women in the Word Wednesday
Living Well Wednesday
Unwrapping His Promises
God Bumps and God-Incidences
Whatever Wednesday and Work in Progress Wednesdays


Hey friends,

This week only, I’m giving away a FREE eBook on the subject of tribe-building. It’s called Every Writer Needs a Tribe.

This is a collection of some of my best posts and pieces on the subject, plus a few exclusives, all edited and laid out for you, the writer.

If you’re not sure why you need a tribe or IF you need one, this short eBook (10,000 words) can help. Also, some of the content will be a great introduction to the course.

Oh, and it’s free (did I mention that already?). Get it before Sep. 9, 2012. (Note: this promotion isn’t available in all countries, but most.)

Get your free eBook on tribe-building HERE.

Talk soon,


P.S. Feel free to share this with a friend. You can forward this email or share the link via social media:

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Dropping in from Duane’s link-up. Don’t you just love Jeff Goins? Such transparent honesty and faith! Everything he writes triggers an emotion in me and makes me want to keep writing no matter how frantic the pace of life gets to be. Because I too want to make a difference — that’s what he does!

    1. renee says:

      I just read your blog–I would say that you are making a difference! Be Blessed.

  2. simplyhelpinghim says:

    I’ve never heard of Jeff Goins, but will check him out ;) Thanks for linking up with me! Blessings from Simply Helping Him

    1. renee says:

      Were you able to check out Jeff’s writing? I just finished the book this morning and I’m motivated to make a difference and not worry so much about the stats. Be Blessed

  3. Mary Beth says:

    I downloaded this book too! I’ve been reading a lot about tribes lately and recently joined a group of bloggers. I’m interested to read what he has to say. Now I’ve just got to find the time. Thanks for linking up with WIP!

    1. renee says:

      Mary Beth–I read almost the entire thing during bathtime. I did go back again but it is such a great and easy book to read. Angie@manylittleblessings wrote about creating a group–I would love to do that–I’m just not sure where if “fit in”. Story of my life.

      Be Blessed.

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