I’ll be at Target–CRYING! again!


Last year at this time I wrote a post called–I’ll be at Target–crying.  It was my real-time experience of having my oldest son go to middle school.  I missed his so incredibly much–not like I didn’t have a whole house full of other kids who needed me.  Doesn’t quite make sense . . .

driving to the bus stop!

Last year, was my first year of having #1 son gone and the others homeschooled.  That entire part of my life had just flipped and I was hurting.  My son finishes me sentences, he eats whatever I give him, he joyfully does his school so that he can go out and play soccer.  He is a absolute JOY to be around.  I didn’t want to lose that and I sure as heck didn’t want to give it to a group of teachers that wouldn’t see his talents.

This year, he leaves again, I’m homeschooling the other kids . . . and we ALL miss him . . . really, really miss him.

me, parked far enough away not to be embarrassing but close enough to get a picture!  Not gonna lie--I was crying when I took this!

6th grade came and went.  I had several opportunities for both of us to grow.  I wrote this post at the beginning of our first year.

All of this change gave me the time to reflect on how I wanted the relationships with my kids to grow/develop.  They don’t tell you any of this in the baby books!

Wanna know what I came up with?  I want my kids to come to me rather than going to Google!

How am I gonna do that?  I’m not sure.  The first thing is to let him know each day that I am available for him–I may not say “I’m always here if you need to talk.”  but I will make myself available for spontaneous conversations . . . or I’ll pick him up a Taco Bell Mountain Dew Baja Blast and have it waiting for him . . . he knows that is love . . . sugar, food coloring, no doubt high fructose corn syrup and zero nutrients!  A treat for sure!  But it will get the conversation going!

I wrote about the five love languages and I plan on revisiting my own posts!  I think that his love language might have changed from Quality time to Acts of Service.  The other three are physical touch, words of affirmation and giving and receiving gifts.

I’ve found that being mindful and intentional does not come easily.  It sound crazy to think about scheduling in time to be mindful.  I suppose if I were a yogi or a nun it might come a little easier!

Be Blessed.  Really!  Be Blessed as we walk along our journey–trying each day to do our best.  Even on days when my best isn’t all that great . . . I know I tried.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Eva P. Scott says:

    My one and only daughter got her first apartment last week – in a city halfway across the country. She was homeschooled all through school, then 6 weeks before college time decided to go away for college – same city halfway across the country. I tell you, it does get easier because you know you’ll survive, but the missing part never does. Thinking of you.

    1. Renee says:

      thank you Eva! We need mentor moms like you giving us “your version” of the same journey! I appreciate that.

      Be Blessed.

  2. La says:


    1. Renee says:

      Thank you–I know you understand! You are a great mentor!

      Be Blessed.

  3. Appreciate your transparency Renee. He is a lucky son to have you

    1. Renee says:

      thanks Christa! Another mentor mom! I am so feeling the love! My friend Melinda taught me the idea of transparency. Now I get it–being transparent is so much easier than trying to be perfect. When we are transparent than the light of ALL goodness can flow through us and touch others.

      Be Blessed.

  4. My youngest one is in preschool this year. I know I’ll miss his fun personality though I’m sure I’ll be in school volunteering and see his little face.

    Your description of your son reminded me of my middle one. He’s such a loving kid with a crackerjack mind. I’ve never had him home alone with me for an extended period of time, though I could see myself enjoying his company.

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