So, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
I have this rusty old word that has been in my garden for over 10 years now–I see it each and every time I leave my house on the endless loops of pick ups and drop offs, grocery shopping, the doctors, dentists, speech therapist, occupational therapists, . . . you get the idea.
But I also see it when I’m strolling out to get the mail and turn a chore into a mini vacation, or when I watch my “baby” learn how to ride his bike with training wheels. I see it in the spring as the flowers bloom and when the snow falls.
I love this quote:
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“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than
knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
Albert Einstein
I use my imagination everyday–in my knitting, in my writing, in creating a fun way to do the repetitive tasks . . . it just makes my life never dull and never boring!
We are so blessed to have a God who gives us such and amazing gift of imagination!
Really enjoyed spending this 5 minutes with you. Love your sign and your thoughts about it. Blessings :)
Hi Renee
Imagination is truly a gift from our Pappa God’s hand. When it survives our growing-up years it is definitely a miracle! Yes, we need to imagine how our everyday tasks bring glory to our King.
Happy FMF
Great post, Renee. Love your garden word!
I love this post! You are so creative, so imaginative!
Great job Renee. How perfect that you had the word. I just love it when things come together. And I liked your quote as well.
Love the word in the garden!
Lovely post! Wonderful you have a sign to remind you of the amazing, creative minds God knit inside of you to use!