I’m in my kitchen a lot! I have made an effort to cook in a natural, organic, whole foods way . . . but my husband and kids love donuts so . . . I figure I’m at least striking a balance!
Despite spending hours and hours in my kitchen I don’t have very fancy things–wooden spoons, cast iron and Revereware that is decades old . . . I like the rustic, pioneer inspired cookware. But I do have a problem:
I need a pan to cook 8 over easy eggs at one time.
It didn’t start out this way–in the beginning it was just me and my 2 over easy eggs . . . now when I cook eggs I make a dozen at a time . . . 8 over easy and 4 scrambled. I started out with a tiny teflon pan, then a bigger one, and now the biggest one I can find. Ok, the problem isn’t the size of the pan–it is finding a lid. You see, I like to add a few drops of water at the end of my egg cooking to steam the egg whites solid, yet leaving the yolk liquid.
I need a lid for my pan that allows me to steam.

I looked high and low in stores and scoured catalogues but when I found what I thought I wanted, price became and issue. So I end up where everyone ends up in a crisis. Target!!!

I bought this pan. Who doesn’t like Giada? But while I was there I had a great idea–buy two pans and one could be my lid! I felt like a Genius!

Now I cook my eggs in one pan, cover towards the end, cook my scrambled eggs in the “lid” pan while I plate the other eggs! Life is good when I’m cooking eggs.
Be Blessed as you find solutions in your home. (and feel free to share them in the comments.)
Today I’m linking up with Emily at Your Green Resource and Simple Lives Thursday.