I don’t wear make up–well, I haven’t since last February. That’s a long story.
I do take care of my skin and it drives me crazy when I can’t get the last bit out of the tube. This particular face scrub was really expensive and I didn’t realize how much until I was home and using it–I must say that it does leave my skin feeling great. Since it did cost so much AND I won’t be buying it again, I want to get every drop out!
So this is what I did.
I just kept cutting the tube down to get the last bits.
Why have I not thought of this before?
I always add water to soap, laundry detergent jugs (when I don’t make my own–but I got this awesome deal at Target for laundry soap 75% off) shampoo bottles–then I use that watered down soap to clean . . . toilets mostly.
Be Blessed.
Today I’m linking up with Frugal Fridays! (and Frugal Ways, Thrifty Thursday,
I do this with toothpaste all the time! It’s amazing how much is left when you think it’s empty.
I do that as well! I can’t stand to waste that tiny bit which usually isn’t such a tiny amount. I also add a bit of water to our salad dressings and the like to get that last little bit out of there (I remember watching my mother do it as well).
and the ketchup bottle . . . I do that too! Glad to know that I’m not the only one trying to get the last of the last out of each thing–our culture is so “disposable” that had lead to wasteful–and it doesn’t need to be that way.
Be Blessed.