I’ve spent the last several days getting ready for school. I bought the uniforms a while back but now I needed to wash them and press shirts. I bought the school supplies–without my son–who doesn’t either seem to care or just isn’t that interested in going–not sure yet.
I have the lunch boxes ready to go but realized he needs a new water bottle–he has a metal one that collects condensation on it. I inquired, “what can I make you for lunch your first full day?” and a low “I don’t care” came my way.
Normally, I would descend upon him demanding that we get to the bottom of it–but I realize I’m on new ground now. Middle School may be tougher than I thought on him. You see we brought him home at the beginning of 2nd grade and had a fabulous 3ish years of homeschooling then he decided to go to school with the girls. It seemed like a great fit for him–he get to go “back to school” in a smallish environment, I’m still volunteering at the school huge amounts of time, and he gets to see all of his brother and sisters during the day.
But . . .
It didn’t work out that way. Almost as soon as he went he wanted to come home. We made him stick it out–we spent hours talking about it–we knew it is an awesome school, he had a great teacher and I was still at the school several hours a week–now I volunteered even more because I didn’t have kids at home.
I’m bringing the girls home and my baby will be home on Tuesday and Thursday. So my oldest and I will be split for the first time. It doesn’t feel right. Time will tell.
So since I’m in this new territory I’m trying to figure it all out.
We continue to work slowly on getting his stuff together–backpack, supplies, uniform, going over the schedule of pick ups and drop offs.
Transitions can be so hard on a mom’s heart, trying to have it together first for others and finally for ourselves. May you be filled with His peace, courage, and patience in these next weeks. And may your seek His embrace to remember how much you are loved as you continue to embrace those children with you.
Thank you–I do need peace, courage and patience! make that a double! Be Blessed.
Hi Renee, I found you through Misty’s CEO link-up. I home educated my son from 3rd grade through graduate. He’s now 24 and I laughed at your phrase “and it probably doesn’t include his Mom following behind him.” It’s really hard to let them go off and do things for the first time. Whether it’s son or daughter our desire is always to protect them. Even when they are adults too.
So HARD!!! I went to school with a Tina Blankenship–how funny. Thanks for your encouraging words! Be Blessed.
You are a wise mom to be sensitive to how tough middle school can be…praying God blesses you and your family during this transition. Linked up behind you at LL’s blog :)
Wise=scared? Thanks. Be Blessed!
Agreed. Middle school is scary, for kids and mom’s alike! :) Love your honesty and willingness to allow him to just, well…just be where he is at…where God has him… this. is. hard. Just stopping by from Ann’s blog…
Thanks for your visit! I’m not ready–that is for sure. On Wednesday–I’ll be at Target–crying. That is what I do on my first day of school! I have a mix of homeschool and away school . . . I’m not afraid to be honest and say my life is complicated–as is most of us–but I’m not afraid to admit that I struggle. Be Blessed.
That sounds like quite a challenge but you seem to have a really good connection with your kids, so I feel it will work out!
Praying for more peace for you & your son during this time! Thanks for linking up at Motivating Monday on CEO of Me!
If I cry now–will I NOT cry tomorrow? Thanks for your prayers. Be Blessed.
Praying for peace for you & your son during this time! Thanks for linking up at Motivating Monday at CEO of Me!
My oldest started middle school last week and it’s certainly been quite an adjustment for all of us. I’m hoping it gets easier as the year progresses.
I hope it gets easier too! So far so good–2 full days in and 1 half day. My guy seems so happy, I so hope, hope, hope it stays that way.
Be Blessed