Being vegan has it’s challenges. I’m not gonna lie–I love mashed potatoes with gravy. I could just buy a jar of savory beef gravy in the store–or I could have gravy without eating the flesh of an animal. Then I started thinking, just thinking, thinking while probably eating bacon . . . about what I was going to eat or not going to eat.
I decided that I for me I wanted to try to not eat any animal products. But what about gravy? I can’t just eat naked mashed potatoes! Luckily for me my food convictions come with a huge dose of creativity!
Onion Gravy. Yup. Gravy made with onions. And it is awesome, not oniony and has a great “mouth feel”.
I would love to know if your curiosity has challenged you to whip up some onion gravy! Let me know in the comments below.
Oh wait, I almost forgot–if you need a vegan mashed potato recipe to go with your onion gravy? Check out this recipe. Or maybe you need a stuffing recipe? I’ve got you covered!
Be Blessed.