Often on Friday’s you will find me writing with Lisa-Jo Baker, tales of a Gypsy Mama. Lisa-Jo gives us a one word prompt and we write for 5 minutes–no editing. I’ve been blessed my fellow writers–by reading about their lives–they become a blessing, often without realizing it. A beautiful thing to experience.
I go to Target, I fold laundry, I try to follow a meal plan, yet at 5:00–it is still a scramble, I try to lose weight, I try to get up early, I clip coupons, I vacuum and dust . . . I get lost in the mundane.
I hide in the ordinary. Such a comfortable cycle of wash, dry and put away. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I lost sight of how awesome I am. As I begin to come out of my fog of the everyday–you know what I mean–you are driving along in the fog and then all of a sudden the sun is so bright it hurts! or you drive along and a some point it the fog lifted but so slowly you didn’t even notice, and you say “wasn’t it foggy?”
I lost sight of how awesome my husband, my kids, my house, my life . . .
My life is anything but ordinary–it is amazing! I just hit a foggy patch.
I was knit in my mother’s womb, fearfully and wonderfully made. And so were you! Maybe you hit a foggy patch too?
Be Blessed.
We so often get lost in the mundane that we forget that we were made in the image of The Awesome One. So identifying with your words. Life can get kinda “wash, rinse, repeat.” Lovely words. Have an awesome Friday.
loved your post!
Be Blessed.
I definitely lose sight of how many awesome ordinary things are in my life. And yes, I feel very foggy sometimes. Here’s to a wonderfully ordinary, unfoggy day.
I like my ordinary! It feels right for me at this moment! How about you?
Be Blessed.
Dear Renee
We hit those foggy patches all too often. Thank you for reminding us of all the wonder that is buried in what we consider ordinary!
Over via FMF and I was truly blessed by your words. It made me think.
Much love
Thank you for the reminder! You’re right, we do get so caught up in the ordinary that we often forget the blessings.
I hopped over from Lisa-Jo’s place.
thank you!
Be Blessed.
rejoicing in the ordinary with you!
Yes, the ordinary is extraordinary. The husband who loves in spite of. The children who laugh when life is hard for grown-ups. The fact that I can still walk, breathe, serve, even through this depression. Thank you for putting it into words for us to read – this reminder.
You are welcome. Your words and your life are a gift–thank you so much for stopping in!
Be Blessed.
Everyday life can cloud up our vision and keep us from remembering how special our lives are. Thanks for sharing the imagery of a foggy patch.
God bless you!
You are welcome.
Be Blessed.
Well, Howdy again, Renee! More trouble linking up. Oh well. Wanted to come visit and read about your ordinary.
Love how Simone phrased it, “Life can get kinda “wash, rinse, repeat.”
And then the “fog” you mentioned, hovers.
But when we press through the clouds, on the other side, dawns the light of truth.
Yes, we are extraordinarily blessed!
I join you in thankfulness for the blessed lives we do live! For the roles and relationships God gave us to nurture through ordinary routines. Ah, and for fearful, God-wonder–Him-knit into the very fibers, wonderfully woven within us.
Thanks so much for stopping in again. I love to hear you inspiring words and I love your site!
Be Blessed.