My post schedule will look something like this:
Monday: The Journey. I write about how my life has molded me to be the person I am now and the woman I am growing into. I really want to write to encourage women to be the best they can be–right where they are! We are constantly growing and changing and if we embrace our true selves and strive to be transparent, authentic and genuine–then we will find peace. I really do live “in everything, give thanks” –I’m not always joyful–I have my moments–I write about that too. The Journey is the path we take to find joy. It looks different for each of us. I’m searching for my purpose, are you?

Tuesday: The Classroom. Is about learning (verb)–not where (noun-place) you do it. I have kids in “away” school and kids that are homeschooled. My intention is that The Classroom will be an exchange of ideas and resources that will allow kids opportunities to learn in their own way. I write more about it here.

Wednesday: My behind the scenes day–write, download photos, fold the mountain of laundry or maybe try to clear off my countertops!
Thursday: The Cookbook. I love cooking and I love sharing ideas about food. The problem is that I use recipes as a guide not as an exact science–except for baking. Baking needs to be exact, but when I write about BBQ Sauces . . . I like lots of wiggle room. I think that you can be a great cook using just what you have! We have a busy house with the 6 of us going in lots of different directions–but our family meal times are very important to me. My goal is to cook healthy food, that appeals to everyone, stay on budget, and use my crockpot as much as possible. I also love the idea of eating local but that is a challenge for me.

When I do write about cooking it will be things that I have made–tried and true or a disaster! In my own kitchen, with my own dishes and my own mess. The idea is to share my love of cooking not my love of cleaning!
Friday: The Creative Home–using our resources wisely, green projects, projects that I start . . . and how they end up! I often have high hopes but then something happens . . . so I will write about that here–project success and project failures. It isn’t always about the end product–for me it is the process of taking an idea and making it 3 dimensional. I especially love to up cycle things that I already have into something I will actually use!

I love to knit–but I’m slow at it, so I will share my projects and ideas with yarn. I really like yarn, fabric –the color and texture. I like knitting for the girls–they dictate the design as it evolves so that I know they will be more inclined to wear it. The think that I like most about The Creative Home is that I can share my ideas that I have for my home and you can make it work for your own home. I find true beauty in the effort to create–not the creation.
Be Blessed as we seek joy and show gratitude for all of our gifts.
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