Practicing Joy



Practicing joy takes effort.  Practicing anything takes a certain level of desire and commitment.  What brings us joy?  The answer is different for each person and then for each moment of the day . . . one moment something gives me great joy the next moment I’m annoyed by it . . . so I wait for the joy to come back.  I know that I feel better when my outlook is more joyful yet I understand that I’m still figuring it all out.  Some days are better than others–just sayin’.

This list my top ten on how I model Joy for my kids (and anyone else in my space).

  1. I have found what brings me joy.  This discovery has been evolving and I now know that what brings me joy might change.
  2. I take 15 minutes a day to quiet myself down and “just be”  in the moment.  Once I was able to do 15 minutes (and the kids could understand that I needed SILENCE) I sometimes stay in this mindful state for longer.  When I am doing one thing at a time I find that I’m more joyful–even if my list is 50 things long, if I have a sense of doing my best.  Doing one thing well is more important to me than checking things off my list.  (This has not always been the case.)
  3. I try to increase the amount of gentle, loving, kind, respectful words that I use each day.  When I use more of thoughtful language I feel better.  
  4. In everything give thanks!  I try to find the good in everything.  I came home from vacation once to a garbage can full of maggots–it was disgusting.  I couldn’t find a reason in that moment to be thankful but the exercise of trying to give thanks, kept me from going to an unpleasant place.  
  5. Looking at beautiful things brings me joy.  I love my kids artwork and display it in certain areas of my home.  I love flowers . . . 
  6. Giving our joy away can make us all feel better.  A nice smile and a wave can make someone’s day!  It just may be the only happiness that they get all day!  
  7. Know that each one of us is special–Psalm 139.  I know that God will guide my paths–Psalm 25.
  8. Create in me a clean heart“, I love this poem to bring me back to where I should be.
  9. Keep a gratitude journal (I have my kids keep one too!).
  10. Each day I say something nice to someone other than my kids.  The first time I see my kids in the morning I give them a big smile and ask them how they’ve slept–some mornings this ritual is very difficult, but I still do it.  One of our house rules is to say “please and thank you”.

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