Practicing joy takes effort. Practicing anything takes a certain level of desire and commitment. What brings us joy? The answer is different for each person and then for each moment of the day . . . one moment something gives me great joy the next moment I’m annoyed by it . . . so I wait for the joy to come back. I know that I feel better when my outlook is more joyful yet I understand that I’m still figuring it all out. Some days are better than others–just sayin’.
This list my top ten on how I model Joy for my kids (and anyone else in my space).
- I have found what brings me joy. This discovery has been evolving and I now know that what brings me joy might change.
- I take 15 minutes a day to quiet myself down and “just be” in the moment. Once I was able to do 15 minutes (and the kids could understand that I needed SILENCE) I sometimes stay in this mindful state for longer. When I am doing one thing at a time I find that I’m more joyful–even if my list is 50 things long, if I have a sense of doing my best. Doing one thing well is more important to me than checking things off my list. (This has not always been the case.)
- I try to increase the amount of gentle, loving, kind, respectful words that I use each day. When I use more of thoughtful language I feel better.
- In everything give thanks! I try to find the good in everything. I came home from vacation once to a garbage can full of maggots–it was disgusting. I couldn’t find a reason in that moment to be thankful but the exercise of trying to give thanks, kept me from going to an unpleasant place.
- Looking at beautiful things brings me joy. I love my kids artwork and display it in certain areas of my home. I love flowers . . .
- Giving our joy away can make us all feel better. A nice smile and a wave can make someone’s day! It just may be the only happiness that they get all day!
- Know that each one of us is special–Psalm 139. I know that God will guide my paths–Psalm 25.
- “Create in me a clean heart“, I love this poem to bring me back to where I should be.
- Keep a gratitude journal (I have my kids keep one too!).
- Each day I say something nice to someone other than my kids. The first time I see my kids in the morning I give them a big smile and ask them how they’ve slept–some mornings this ritual is very difficult, but I still do it. One of our house rules is to say “please and thank you”.