Psalm 139 has been popping up in my life. The first time was a book that I gave Joseph for his birthday “On the night you were born” and then a few days later we were studying science and “you were wonderfully and fearfully made” and finally a few friends mentioned it in their blogs.
Sometimes in life you hear the whisper that tells you to stop for a minute. Pause. Be still. Reflect. STOP!!! I can imagine God stomping up and down wondering why I’m not listening to him –moving onto the the next guy until I can stop and listen.
Doesn’t He know that I have a basement full of boxes, wood trim to paint in the newly installed windows, breakfast-lunch-dinner, sweeping, laundry, my therapy work with Luke, homeschooling Joseph, helping the girls with homework and the daily drama, and a wonderful husband to devote a few minutes of quality time each day!!!
Actually God does know what I have to do. God knows that I try to give thanks in everything. God knows when I finally sit at the end of the night it is in exhaustion. God knows when I will be snippy with my kids. God forgives me, I forgive myself and we try to start fresh the next day.
Thank you God for each tomorrow that you have perfectly planned for me.
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