I was walking while on vacation and I saw these flowers growing out of the rocks and I started to think . . .
What you see is not what you get!
I was listening to a CD on the backstory of one of my favorite authers, Donna Cooper-O’ Boyle. I was shocked. I felt this way because I have her story in my head. I didn’t know her story but I made up my own–what “must have happened” for her to be where she is . . .
Oh, how wrong I was! She had spots in her life that were unpleasant and downright horrible. She grew from these places to be where she is now.
How often do we see someone and “think” we know their story? By their clothes, their weight, their hair . . .
We know the” now” of the person but not the amazing potential or poverty that the future may hold or that the past has provided.
God, help me see You in those that I meet. My hope is that when I look for you I won’t be tempted to put my approval/disapproval on others but leave that to you.
Miscellany Monday
Hear it, Use It
Playdates with God
Multitudes on Monday
The Better Mom
On, In, and Around Mondays
We judge or accept accoring to what we see. God looks at our hearts and knows our very thoughts. Excellent story of flowers growing out of the hard places!!
In scripture there are tons of references to “hard places” and “rocks” and I wanted to incorporate that but . . . I did want it to be a 2 minute read :-) Thanks for your comments.
This has been on my mind a lot lately. We don’t know where a person has come from. This world outs too much thought on appearance, money, valueables, instead of looking at their spirit shining through. Thanks for the reminder God bless you
I love the name joyabundant! I know that I’m not just a women with a big heart but a big woman!! People do treat me differently than when I was a smaller version of myself . . . that doesn’t bother me as much as people who assume that all children are created out of the same mold. That shoots me to the moon–my kids are different but not less.
What a great blog post. I love how you saw a message in God’s Creation. I often marvel at nature too and see God’s hand in it. I’d like to tell you about my upcoming book titled, “Rooted in Love: Our Calling as Catholic Women.” In it, I share more of my story in an attempt to bring others hope. You are right that we can’t judge by appearances nor can we assume something about someone when we really don’t know.
May God bless you and yours!
Thank you! I can’t wait for your next book! I find your writing to be effortless to read–I like that. Inspiring and motivating–yet so simple–filed under “How did I not get that until now?” Your writing is a gift.
Thank you for your kind words, Renee. I’m glad you enjoy my books. I pray that they will bring others closer to God. God bless!