School Year 2012-2013


I’m leaning more and more towards bringing 2 kids home, 1 in preschool part-time and one in away school . . .

  1. To be able to create a curriculum filled with music and fun games that I know my special kid will enjoy.
  2. To watch that same kid excel in reading using Reading Eggs website.
  3. Spending time with my kids during the day in a relaxed way rather than fitting in a days worth of love and understanding into just a few hours in the evening.
  4. Listening to random concerts–I love when the kids past their instruments and just randomly practice.  Even better is when they try a new instrument.
  5. We are not exactly unschooling but we are not following a schedule like I have in the past . . .
  6. I am excited about using a few new ideas–Life with Fred for math and Five in Row . . . 
  7. Being able for the “family swim” at the gym–that is only available during the day.
  8. Time–I’m excited to sort of “STOP THE BUS” and give the kids and I and opportunity to figure out what their interest really are.
  9. Teaching Life Skills not survival skills.  
  10. Rebuilding vintage Lego sets.

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings

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