TT: Why do you HS?

Today I’m writing for Top Ten Tuesdays on The top ten (TT) questions I’m asked about homeschooling.   Are those ALL your kids?  I only have 4 kids–but I had them in 5 years!  When I began homeschooling my kids were 7, 5, 3 and 1.  It was easy then compared to now.  It looks…

Week 3/4 $tart $aving w/Coupons

I posted this on my Blogger blog and it has pictures–so if you need the visual check out and you should get there. This is exciting isn’t it!  I have had a few of you come and tell me how much you saved without too much planning!  One Mom spent the $75 at Dominicks and was…

“Teacher/Boss” for the Day

When we began homeschooling we had some rocky days.  I had the idea in my head that my kids needed to learn a boatload of things each day–no matter what.  I needed to teach and they needed to learn–there was a disconnect on several different levels.   After a while I learned that kids love…