Nine Years and 364 Days Ago

Thank you God for the gift of my son Joseph.  I realize that he is yours and I am his keeper for you.  Help me guide him, support him, and love him as you do for me. I was scared and lonely when I was pregnant with Joseph.  We lived in Livermore, California–far away from…

The Basement Museum

We have been in our house now for 15 weeks and we still have too many boxes to go through.  I am painfully going through each one and organizing “stuff” and then I decide if I want to keep it, recycle or trash it.  It seems like it should be pretty straightforward but it isn’t. …


I found a poster during the move.  I have had it so long I have no idea when I got it–best guess is mid-80’s and it is covered in plexiglass and a very cheap frame 1 foot x 3 feet and it has a little boy holding up a shell to a little girls ear . ….