an upcycled Christmas

I like to call it “upcycle”.  Recycle has connotations of being discarded into a tub . . Upcycle is the fancy cousin of recycle.  I wanted to share with you some of the things that I have made for myself and others that are from items/supplies–NOT from a store.  I didn’t intend to make it–it…

Advent idea #1

Today I wrote a post at joyful living about creating and advent wreath. My next Advent post will be on this site. Be Blessed.

Wreath: God’s love never ending

I love wreaths–any kind–I pin a lot of them here. Family Fun magazine had this idea for a thanksgiving wreath–I thought the idea was cute so I skipped Thanksgiving and went to Christmas–it just so happens that when I worked in the basement–I found some yarn! I happened to be at Target (like almost everyday–it…