Dear God, thank you (FMF)

Psalm 116: 2 (NLT) “Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!” Judy Blume wrote a book, hello God, it’s me Margaret or something like that–I remember reading it–Judy Blume had written these books about middle school stuff–and (I recall that) as I was reading it I felt…

Last Drop: Frugal Friday 11/9/12

I don’t wear make up–well, I haven’t since last February.  That’s a long story. I do take care of my skin and it drives me crazy when I can’t get the last bit out of the tube.  This particular face scrub was really expensive and I didn’t realize how much until I was home and…

FMF: Quiet

FMF:  Five Minute Friday is the brain child of Lisa-Jo at Tales of a Gypsy Mama.   Everyone writes a post for 5 minutes–no editing and links up–then I spend time off and on reading random 5 minute thoughts.  It’s fun. Go: The last FMF I wrote about was LOUD. Quiet: Why is this so…