Kindle Book–Jeff Goins

I’m inspired.  I have the passion.  Finding the time is tricky–especially now with school–2 home schooled, 1 in preschool and 1 in “away school”, and all in soccer!!!  I love connecting and I write everyday–but may not post.  I’m even motivated to start another blog joyful learning to pair up with joyful living. But I…

Middle School New Territory

I’ve spent the last several days getting ready for school.  I bought the uniforms a while back but now I needed to wash them and press shirts.  I bought the school supplies–without my son–who doesn’t either seem to care or just isn’t that interested in going–not sure yet. I have the lunch boxes ready to…

More Lunch Ideas! Free Kindle Book as of 8/18/12

It really is that time of year again!  I can’t believe it–we start school on 8/22 and that just seems to soon!  I recently wrote about making school lunches and had wished that I had found this book to include in the post. Here is the link for this free book for your Kindle–or anywhere you…