Techno Green: Kindle= 2 Free Books and a Giveway!

My husband likes to read (UNDERSTATEMENT).  He will read, books, magazines, those magazines in metal bins as you walk into grocery stores (topic does NOT matter) . . . any flyer.  You get the idea. So for Father’s Day I thought it would be fun to get him a kindle.  I went into the store,…

30 Days to $ave Green

I’m a little late to the party but I just wanted to tell you about 5 bloggers coming together to share ideas on ways to save some green and new ways to use our resources wisely.  This is the brain child of Audra Michelle and Dena at Rediscovering Domesticity and Sensational Saver. I’m so excited to work with…

Mommy, Are you a Mentor?

Yesterday in Mass it was Titus 2 Day!  After all of this time reading all of the blogs that support the premise of Titus 2–it was sort of weird to hear it in church. To make the words come alive it was read by a young girl.  As I was surrounded by my girls and…