The Organized Home (School)

I’m now a contributor with Simply Helping Him with Misty Leask. My first article is about The Organized Home (School) and you can read it here! The intention of each day is set to be organized, have less stress and create a joyful home.  Some days are better than others! Be Blessed.

Week 5-8 on $aving Money and 2 free books

It all started when a friend and I gave a talk at the Moms group about couponing and saving money . . . then I was asked to give another talk with a slide show presentation.  I had everything ready to go and then it was cancelled.  I was disappointed but then figured I would just…

Top 10 List of Lists

Do you keep lists?  I do.  I keep them on steno pads–I have years and years in a box of steno pads–of course I didn’t date anything so it would be a challenge to piece my life together from these list but . . . I love my steno pad–my Mom used to leave us the chore list…