I’ve been absent for Joyful Mom! I’ve been Joyful in other places :-) We have been purging the house. It didn’t actually start out as a plan. It wasn’t on the calendar. It just has sort of “happened.” Last week my daughter said “I can’t put my clothes away!!!” and I was thinking “no…
Tag: recycle
Get your Green On!
I’m doing a happy dance? Why?? Because I’m a contributing writer over at Live Renewed. My post will be featured tomorrow . . . can you guess what it might be about? Green in 365–is a super informative series about . . . being green AND so much more! I’m totally hooked and each…
an upcycled Christmas
I like to call it “upcycle”. Recycle has connotations of being discarded into a tub . . Upcycle is the fancy cousin of recycle. I wanted to share with you some of the things that I have made for myself and others that are from items/supplies–NOT from a store. I didn’t intend to make it–it…