How-to Prep Swiss Chard (a Renee’s Kitchen Teaching Video)

Swiss Chard is Beautiful In this video . . . I get a little too excited about the beauty of Swiss Chard.  My authentic “Renee-ness” comes out! Renee’s Kitchen Training Video-Swiss Chard If you didn’t watch the video Than you missed out but . . . I sauté it, add it to soups, stir fry…

#1 Soup Secret Revealed

Do you want my secret for a great soup? I love soup but have never been able to really figure out how to make it the same way they do in my favorite restaurants.  While I worked at Robby’s at the Icehouse in Ann Arbor, maybe 25 years ago?, Chef Dan took me aside and…

Vegan Red Sauce

Do you remember the commercial for Prince Spaghetti night with the little boy running through a city neighborhood, running up that stairs and sitting down to a big bowl of pasta with red sauce?  (you can find it on my Pinterest Recipe page)   My house is similar!  My kids love red sauce–they could eat…