Top Ten Reasons to Homeschool


Today I’m posting on Many Little Blessings.

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings

I have been a homeschool mom and a away school mom and I can honestly say that I really enjoy learning with my kids.  All of my kids have been at home and in school at some point so I thought it might be interesting to give two top ten lists, mine and theirs.

My List

  1. We make our own schedule.  I want to have fun with my kid on their birthday not wait for them to come home or for the weekend before or after.  I want summer to start on the first nice day and end when the snow flies.
  2. My mornings aren’t rushed with making 4 lunches and snacks.
  3. My evenings aren’t rushed by making sure everyone has a clean uniform and backpacks are ready.
  4. No one ever has to wear socks again–so I won’t find them throughout the house and laundry will be much easier.
  5. My kids will be able to learn at their own pace.
  6. They can play the piano/guitar for hours in a day.
  7. They can sit and read an entrie book.
  8. They will have time to write in a gratitude journal.
  9. I have time to be with each kid without looking at my watch.
  10. We can slow down to nearly stop–and stop to see the beauty of each moment.
Kids List (unedited)
  1. Being with my Mom.
  2. I get to work at my own pace.
  3. I can get done with school by lunch.
  4. I get to go on more field trips and stay as long as I like.
  5. You can focus on one subject the whole day.
  7. Sleeping in (sometimes).
  8. You can spend all day reading.
  9. You can eat whatever and whenever you want.
  10. Summer NEVER ends!

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