Vlog #2 Dryer Balls

Editorial note:

  1. Please read the post first.  The video will take you to youtube away from the site . . . may or may not be annoying.  It bugs me so I will try and fix that.
  2. If you do make the dryer balls–when you felt them in the dryer–put them in the bottom of a childs sock (best) or in a pair of knee high nylons (do they make those anymore) or something that will hold it–I did not and I had a huge yarn spaghetti mess . . . I was not a Joyful Mom at that moment.

I first wrote about dryer balls in this post.

I have collecting issues.  I collect books on knitting, I collect yarn, fabric, quilting books, recipes and cookbooks . . . so you see a trend?

Since this IS my year of intention . . . I am going through all of my “treasures” again . . . I’m getting rid of what doesn’t groove with my intention.  We moved 2 years ago and we purged before we moved and still had a semi truck bursting . . . then I vowed to unpack each box and determine if it fit the life we want to have as a family and does it help me live a fulfilled life.  Does it add meaning to my life?

I intend to be present with my kids–that has ALWAYS been my intention but when they were babies I had naptimes and bedtimes . . . I still felt like I had a life.  Now my day starts with my #4 at 6:30 am and my day ends with my #1 around 10 (sometimes he needs to wake me up).  We do chose to homeschool some of our kids and I would not give that up–but by making that choice I really do not have time to knit or quilt!  It is busy but I know that I will have no regrets about spending these years with my kids.

I do love to knit–so I do a little each day and now I have a “knitting season” which amazingly coincides with soccer season–as I watch a minimum of 4 hours of soccer each weekend–not to mention the time sitting in the car waiting for kids to start of finish their practices during the week!  I also buy yarn for a project and I won’t buy more until I finish the projects that I have.

I want to read more.  I read at night before I go to bed.  I love my husband’s kindle (the best gift I ever gave him:-)

My house isn’t perfect.  This was a huge one!  When I let go of the fear of not being a good wife, mother, daughter because my counters could not longer serve as a surgical room or that my floors might not have the vacuum marks on the carpet.

When I gave myself the gift of accepting me for me . . . I felt like I could breath.  When I began to live MY life and not someone who I thought had it “all together” is when it became clear that I did have a purpose–but it isn’t to have a perfect house or a perfect butt!  It is to be perfect in God’s eyes–to live my life authentically and transparently.  I’m still working out the kinks but now I know what I’m working for and WHO I’m working for.

Be Blessed and thank you for taking time to walk with me on my journey.  I want to do a vlog tomorrow but I’m not sure on a topic–so if there is something that you are curious about or have a question–leave it in the comments and we will see what happens!

I’m linking up to  Tuesday GreensWow Me Wednesday, Hip Homeschool MomsWhatever Works WednesdayWisdom WednesdayFabulously Frugal Thursday, Show and Share WednesdaySaturday Show and Share and a writing project at ProBlogger.
Life In Bloom

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Renee, A real down to earth post, with the good, the bad, and the ungly! Just kidding! Just real to Life!
    Schooling your children definitely fills your day, and still, you do so much and have progressed greatly.

    Me on the other hand, I also am busier than ever with a 92 year-old mother who washes the dishes but unless I feed her she will die of hunger, a retired husband who helps with shopping yet craves more attention than I can give him, and 6 grandchildren in Chicago (3 in Greece) that depend on me after school and for food. Still, I make time to write. What kills me, timewise, is my incompetence to handle all the techical stuff of internet. It takes me hours to post a blog that I have arleady written and still does not post the way I have planned.
    Since you asked opinions on topics, I would love to know how to do the “read here” link and the “you can tweet” If you couldn’t do this in a post, would you let me know in an email?
    Wishing you all the best!

  2. Michael V says:

    I admire you how you manage to joggle all the obligations you mentioned and still sound so cheerful in your writing! I really wish you find time to write more!
    Check out my post as a part of the HowTo problogger contest:
    7 steps to make a better decision about anything – link: http://wp.me/p3iJa0-Q

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks for coming over from ProBlogger! Your post is awesome!

      Be Blessed.

  3. Lauryn says:

    I love the idea of dryer balls! Thank you for creating this how-to video. And…I share the same thoughts on my always attempt at being present with my children. Right now I still have one napping and so I imagine that as we move farther away from this stage, life will only get more difficult in other ways! Thanks for sharing on Motivation Monday!

    1. Renee says:

      It does get a little more complicated–especially when they all ask questions at once! Repeatedly! I have kept quiet time as part of our daily routine–I think it is hugely helpful in just calming the entire house down. Each day after lunch we “take 15 minutes” and it has amazing results. More often than not even the big kids doze off a little bit.

      Be Blessed as you adore your little ones.

  4. Cheryl Smith says:

    I am so happy I had time tonight to check out your wonderful site. I LOVE this idea of dryer balls. Thank you so much for sharing! It was a joy to watch your video. I have lots of leftover yarn from crochet projects that I am wondering if I can use for these. Does the yarn have to be wool? Or can you use any type of yarn? I absolutely love your site. I leave here blessed!
    God be with you,

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