Wonder (FMF)

Today I’m writing with a bunch of blogging friends at Lisa-Jo’s Five Minute Friday. We all write about one word for five minutes–no editing!



I wonder what I will leave behind.  I work with my hands and with all of the quilts, knitted mittens, hats, scarves, ALL the stuff that I have made where will it go?

I wonder if anyone will use my cookbook?

I wonder if anyone will read my words and know that I want everyone to feel loved, encouraged, inspired, needed.  I love to write to start the conversation . . . so that we can be open to the love and encouragement.

I wonder if my kids will know how deeply I love them.  (on some days it hurts–I just want to hold them and never let them go . . . )

I wonder if my husband really knows how much I appreciate him?  I tell him–all the time . . . but does he feel it?

ok. . . . I need to stop wondering and get going–I have a cookbook to write, kids to hug, a husband to kiss . . .


Be Blessed.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Yes we can wonder if what we do makes an impact on the ones we love. But then we must simply get going and trust that it truly does matter. I’m visiting from Five Minute Friday. Beautiful …

    1. renee says:

      Thanks for stopping in–I approve all comments so some times it take me a while to circle back to the computer :-)

      Have a great weekend.

      Be Blessed.

  2. panda444 says:

    I thought I left a comment earlier but wanted to come back and check and didn’t see it. I hope this isn’t redundant.

    How easy it is to wonder if our efforts and felt and appreciated. But you’re so right. We need to stop wondering and get going. And trust that they know …

    blessings and love,

  3. Isn’t it amazing how “Wonder” can be good… and empowering, uplifting… and then other times – not quite so much! At the heart of it all – what you do, write, live… it DOES matter… it IS making a difference… and chances are really really good – those who you love the most – they never have to wonder of your feelings or intentions! I stopped by from FMF… and I am glad I did!

    1. renee says:

      thanks for stopping in! I appreciate your words . . .

      be blessed.

  4. Mia says:

    I think children only truly realize how much we loved them when they have their own children.
    Thank you for a thoughtfulness.

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