Writer=Occupation or Hobby

This is from a post I wrote in July of this year–it describes why I blog and how it is a “work in progress”–then I came across this name on the web–Jeff Goins.  Jeff’s picture kept looking at me in an interesting mix of blogs . . . so finally I clicked on him!  What a blessing on click can be!

(THIS IS FROM JULY 2012)  I have spent most of my life writing.  My earliest memory was in 3rd grade–my teacher let me write and re-write all the Winnie-the-Pooh books and change the endings as I saw fit.  As the other kids filled out pages and pages of worksheets I wrote my stories.  I often sat off by myself and wrote.  I’m not sure why I was allowed this luxury but if I had to guess it was because my Dad died when I was in 2nd grade and I didn’t handle it very well . . .

After reworking most of the children’s books I had read I moved onto my own writing.  I had pen pals, wrote essays, wrote for the school newspapers, wrote, wrote and wrote.  It could have been that we lived out in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do . . .

As an adult I tried to freelance but that is hard to make ends meet, so I kept my day/night jobs and wrote in the off times.  I discovered that the only real way to be a writer would be to use my science/medical background and become a medical writer–I did that by boldly telling people that “I’m a medical writer” and they gave me a job.  And then another job and then I started to freelance again and before I knew it I was writing for real money.  (to read more click here)

(NOW) When I started looking at the goinswriter.com website–I felt at home.  I felt as though Jeff spoke to my heart about my writing–I read his FREE book “A Writer’s Manefestio” and felt empowered.  I knew that I had a message that I wanted to share–not just a recipe or a cool project.  A few weeks after “finding” Jeff–he offered the Tribe Writer’s online course–I didn’t think twice about signing up–and I’m so glad that I did!

The class started and I was slow to participate–I didn’t feel like I belonged.  In my mind I am a writer but to the world I’m not–I’m a Mom with a bunch of kids, who home schools . . . I am all of those things AND I’m a Writer.

The course can take someone from: the idea of being a writer to being a published author in 8 weeks.  If that is what you desire–or it can help you hone your voice, find your tribe, discover your platform, all the while being part of a group of writers who are having the same exact struggles.

Jeff Goins in launching the class again–you can read about it here.  Today is the last day for registration!!  Click here to register!

My fellow tribe writers James, Joan, Bryan, Sundi Jo, Stacey write about how the course has changed their writing–we all came together (a couple 100 of us) for different reasons through the love of writing and wanting to make a difference.

If you want to become a better writer, take it to the next level or make a difference in ways you aren’t sure about . . . this class is for you.

Be Blessed.  I pray that we grow into finding our purpose that serves Him.

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 The Better MomHear it on Sunday, Use it on MondayPlaydates with God, Motivation Monday, Mindful Motheringmonday musings,

17 Comments Add yours

  1. Sundi Jo says:

    Thanks for sharing this. Glad to be a fellow Tribe Writer with you.

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks. So many different paths have lead to Tribe Writers–it has enriched my writing and my friendships with other writers. I’m glad to be in this group with you as well.

      Be Blessed.

  2. Sylvia R says:

    Sounds interesting — like it’s worth investigating. Thanks for the tip(s). Blessings on your writing!

    1. Renee says:

      If writing is your “thing” or if you have a passion that you want the world to hear–than this is a great way to make that happen.

      Be blessed.

  3. Beth says:

    Thanks for sharing this, Renee. I’ll have to check it out. :)

  4. Sylvia Jones says:

    Hi there~

    The title of your blog caught my eye. I agree that Jeff’s course was totally amazing! I would say my site and blog are still a work in progress-but Jeff inspired us all to declare ourselves writers and to just do it! Glad that you have stuck with it too. I’ll plan to read more(it’s just so hard w/the holidays approaching). Happy Holidays~and all the best to you!

    1. Renee says:

      Sylvia–I think the beauty of the class is that it will evolve, we as writer will evolve and together create some really cool things–from all of us–in our time.

      Be Blessed.

  5. Awesome post!!! Glad to be a Tribe Writer — it has changed my writing too.

  6. katina vaselopulos says:

    Renee, what a beautiful and interesting site!
    Your friend did a great job putting it together, but I am sure it was you who knew what you wanted.
    Your post is very good…. Jeff had an amaziing idea that keeps getting better with all the support and knowledge he draws from the creative and knowledgable minds in the Tribe.
    Because of deallines I need to meet I am not leafing through your pages….Looking forward to free time later to return and explore your blog and those of the other Tribewriters.
    Blessings and Light this beautiful and holy season and for a better new year for all!!

    1. Renee says:

      One day at a time, one idea at a time, one moment at a time–it all adds up.

      Be Blessed.

  7. Laura says:

    I enjoy Jeff’s writing, though I have not attended his course. It sounds like you enjoyed it a lot and grew in the process. Those types of experiences are always worth it!

    1. Renee says:

      It was incredible–not just for blogging but to identify my voice in the world–where will I put my energy? what really matters?

      Be Blessed.

  8. Christa says:

    THe site looks great! So glad we connected through TW. I can relate fully, still feeling some of those things. Homeschool, chronic health issues, AND a determination to write. This is the course…

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks Christa–I feel like I have a family of supportive writers–it’s awesome! Who knew from starting this course that all of this would have happened???

      Be Blessed.

  9. Renee, Love, your site. There is so much life here. Very nice. What a community we have. I’m so thankful.

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks Anne–I feel like I’ve found my home! and I’m excited to invite others to my “table.”

      Be Blessed.

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