10/26/12 Frugal Friday Deals


This week I found some great deals in our local Dominicks store–to be honest and this is my 31 days of honest . . . I’ve been a little uninspired in the kitchen so I go “trolling” for ideas.  For those of you who have not grown up fishing–“trolling” is a way of catching fish, by driving the boat really slow in hopes that something will bite.  So I push my cart really slow through the store and wait for fish to jump in my cart–or a deal!

These are the deals that I found this week:

tea at Target–$4.64 on clearance for $2.32 and then I used the $2 off coupon that was on the box!  I bought 4 boxes of tea.  I drink a lot of tea and I’ll give some of this to the PADS group that I help out with.  I also have the Target red card–so really it was and extra 5% off 32 cents!

At the grocery store, I discovered a few new places where they put clearance food–these items are 50% off!  I do not buy meat often but when they have organic or Laura’s beef on sale or in clearance I clear the shelves!

this is not a brand that I normally buy–but I love adding it to soup because it doesn’t fall apart like other pasta
my favorite pizza sauce
I love this cheese–especially when it is 50% off!

Last week I also found pies in the frozen food section–they had pumpkin, sweet potato and Apple Streusel–all Sara Lee brand–normally I bake my pies so I had to buy one just to see if it would be ok for PADS.  My family thought it was great.  So I bought several more (50% off) and a group of us (the entire Moms group) will bake them up and prepare a Thanksgiving Feast for 50 people who are in need.

My plan is to share each Friday how I’m able to be frugal.  I’m linking up with Frugal Fridays!

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