The girls were so excited to make cake pops–a few weeks ago we bought them at Starbucks–4 cake pops for $1! An awesome deal–because you know I won’t pay full price–not matter how GOOD they look!
So I bought this mix–buy 2 get one free and then I had $1 off coupons on all three boxes. I let the girls do this project and as I came in and out I realized that it was not my idea of a good time.
I thought it was a FAIL but the kids will eat anything! The brownie pops turned out much better than the regular cake pops. For the record–I chose not to be involved in this project again.

Back many, many years ago I was a pastry chef–this was a painful experience for me–but since the kids had a blast and didn’t seem to mind . . . I kept quiet and enjoyed them enjoying the time together. I have to keep telling myself that I no longer work in a professional kitchen . . . I’m a mom making memories . . .
Be Blessed in whatever you do today . . .
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