Bare (Five Minute Friday)

Here is my Five Minute Friday–writing with Lisa-Jo Baker at Gypsy Mama.

The Rules:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Go buck wild with encouragement for the five minuter who linked up before you.

Won’t you give me your best five minutes for the prompt:



When something is bare . . . it is missing something.  Bare legs, bare bottom, bare room, barely there, to bare all–it is in the taking away everything that we see.

The less we burden ourselves with things we don’t want or need the more we are able to spend on things that really matter.

I want to bare my heart and soul to be filled with love and kindness . . .


That’s not much writing for  5 minutes!  I’m still not sure that my idea came across clearly–take an old ugly table from the dumpster–you get excited about the “find” then you spend time stripping the paint down to the bare wood–and it is a beautiful functional table.  But you had to work so hard to get it back to where it was in the beginning . . . a metaphor for our lives–we need to strip away the layers of toxic junk to see the true beauty that was always there.

Be Blessed.

14 Comments Add yours

  1. Linda says:

    Yes, you were clear :-) And you share some of my thoughts. Have a lovely today.

    1. Renee says:

      Thank you Linda.

      Be Blessed.

  2. Isn’t that cool? How words spill out at times and others drip slowly? Yet it is not in the abundance- but well spoken, written. Love this wisdom.

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks Dawn! nice to hear from you again!

      Be Blessed.

  3. Sylvia R says:

    I’m glad you wrote your postscript. Beautiful analogy, that. Thank you for it!

  4. Ha! I always feel that way… like there should be way more words in 5 minutes then I ever manage to barf up… and sometimes that is what it feels like to post unedited (in my own self-critical opinion)… like retching up with difficulty something from deep down inside that isn’t so pretty. Glad you did it and yours is a far cry from barf, just so you know. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks for putting me ahead of barf! I’m honored and smiling!

      Be Blessed.

  5. Tanya M. says:

    Renee, I loved that you used so few words to say so much. And what a beautiful analogy indeed. I’ve been blessed by your words for the second time today. Thanks for stopping by FMF post and commenting on my series of tagged words. Your observation was awesome! Blessings :)

    1. Renee says:

      Thank you so much Tanya! I just wrote in my newsletter today how I my hope is that I am a blessing. I am honored.

      Be Blessed (for a third time!)

  6. Kim says:

    Stopping by from Five Minute Friday. I love this! My One Word for 2013 is less, and this sentence reflects why: “The less we burden ourselves with things we don’t want or need the more we are able to spend on things that really matter.” And I would include activities among those “things” too. Great post!

    1. Renee says:

      Less–that is a good word! I began writing about my basement project . . . and I realized I filled my life with more because I felt less than (worthy, loved, respected . . .) you get the idea! It is a hard thing to understand all at once but when we look back . . . it makes sense!

      Be Blessed.

  7. ~Karrilee~ says:

    I love this word picture – yes… so often to want to fight against the stripping away – but it is that process that truly restores beauty and shows us who we really are! Loved this!

  8. Mia says:

    Hi Renee
    I agree with the baring of our hearts, for only an empty, bare heart is able to receive our
    Lord Jesus in our life. And with Him, love and patience, etc. to give to others!
    Happy FMF

  9. Barbie says:

    So much said in so little words. Beautiful write my friend.

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