Boxed Water?


Really?  Boxed Water?

I’m not gonna lie.  I’m skeptical.  I ran into the store the other day to pick up 3 lbs of potatoes to make mashed mojo de ajo potatoes and I saw this.  I stopped dead in my tracks.  The kids immediately said “Mom, you are gonna write about this on your blog aren’t you?”  And here we are.



Trying it

Tonight I’m doing a taste test with the kids.  I have 2 kids that drink only water.  Occasionally, I can get them to drink fruit juice or my homemade juices but they prefer water.  I love how they rate a restaurant by the quality of the water!  (and the ice cubes!)  Of course they will drink pop . . . but we limit that to once a week or less.  (If they forget to ask for it on Sunday–I don’t remind them.)  

I will keep you posted via the next email I send out.  For those of you who are NOT part of the Renee’s Kitchen Community I invite you to sign up for my sort of weekly emails.  You can sign up at the bottom of this page!

[Tweet “I’m not sure if I want to drink my water from a box. #water #earthfriendly #whataboutyou”]

What about you?

Would you buy your water from a box?  Let me know in the comments.

Eating in harmony,


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Stacey says:

    I think boxed water will appeal to many people. Since drinking water out of plastic bottles brings concerns to many, this looks like it could be a good alternative.

    Fun packaging.

    How was it?

    1. Renee says:

      Stacey–I was thinking the same thing about plastic packaging.

      The water tasted great–it didn’t taste like a box or paper. I remember in grade school drinking milk out of the paper cartons–the milk was gross and the paper would stick to my lips. Ugghh. I didn’t want this water to be like that!

      I only bought one bottle so . . . . I need to go back and buy 2 more to see if I can freeze them and use them for camping. I was thinking about camping, drinking the water and then starting the fire with the carton. I still need to check with my environmentalist friends to see if I can do that.

      Be Blessed.

      1. Stacey says:

        So interesting! I’d say, why freeze them at all? Does the water have to be refridgerated? And yes, do check the box (and with your friends) to see if the box is safe to burn. I’m wondering if it’s tetra pak packaging…if so, because of the nature of their packaging to keep drinks suitable to our safe drinking, it would probably not be suitable for burning.

        1. Renee says:

          I would freeze them to keep the cooler . . . cool. Even if I can’t burn them they will fold flat–we recycle even when we camp/vacation.



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