Dear Chris,

Dear Chris,

I can’t pretend that I know you in an everyday way.  I keep up through Facebook and Christmas cards.  I’m on the very outer fringe of your life yet I’m deeply saddened by your death.

As I peek into your life and the stories that people have told on caring bridge, I can begin to understand a theme–you were gentle, kind, loving and respectful.  You did your best to enjoy life to the fullest.  What a great legacy to leave behind.

But why?  Why did you have to leave?  What about your husband or your kids?  What will happen?

What is the purpose?  I’m not sure.

Thank you Chris for the gift of your wonderful smile.

Be Blessed.


A few years past my severely handicapped step-brother was killed in a crazy accident involving a train.  I spoke at this funeral about how his life had meaning and purpose, even with so many challenges, he made a difference in each and every life that he touched.

I do not have any answers to the WHY? we die question but I can say that I have a better understanding of WHY WE LIVE.  I think of my step brother as a great teacher–he taught me that everyone has a purpose and each life has a plan.

I know that when he died it gave my life a new perspective.  I dropped my personal agenda and started living life in a new way.  I decided that I wanted to be genuine, authentic and transparent to my Soul.  Some days are better than others–sometimes it is  easy and comforting to go back to my cynical, competitive, and sarcastic ways, I find myself matching the cynical/sarcastic word/actions rather than being joyful and loving.  I’m thankful that a new day dawns so I can start over.

Thank you God for this life and for the life of Chris.  God please grant her loved ones peace, understanding and courage to meet each day.

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25 Comments Add yours

  1. The death of someone we love brings heartache, but I have found, as have you, that it also brings welcome revelation with tender memories.

    1. renee says:

      it really does! Thank you for your words.

      Be Blessed.

  2. Connie Mace says:

    So many hard questions in this life. Someday, we’ll know….

  3. Mary Beth says:

    Death is such a hard thing to understand. I’m struggling through that myself right now.

    1. renee says:

      Oh, Mary Beth–my you find understanding and peace as you work through it all.

      Be Blessed.

  4. ljbmom says:

    I love this:

    I do not have any answers to the WHY? we die question but I can say that I have a better understanding of WHY WE LIVE.

    Such a sweet way to look at a life.

    1. renee says:

      I’m not a scholar so I don’t always “get it” but as I work through life and things happen–and I feel them at my core . . . in the stillness you find peace. When it is quiet you can catch your breath.

      Be Blessed.

  5. Vicky says:

    I don’t know Chris or your step-brother but they obviously made an impact on your life. Your words are a tribute to both of them and your words have made an impact on my life. You expressed this beautifully.

  6. The death of a loved one truly does change our perspective on life. When we slow down long enough to grief, and to ponder the meaning of that person’s life, and what we learned from that life, we change for the better. I know. I recently lost a dear soul too.

    ~ Blessings

    1. renee says:

      yes, exactly. why can’t we celebrate life while people are here?

  7. shortybear says:

    Praying for you, be blessed.

    1. renee says:

      Thank you for your prayers.

  8. Pamela says:

    My husband and I determined “better not bitter.” Like you, I didn’t always find it easy. But I found it right.

    1. renee says:

      I like that! Thanks.

  9. I opened this by your title in the linky since I happen to be 46 years old and worry just how long the Lord is going to allow me to be here for my family.
    Heartfelt words in what I read.

    1. renee says:

      I am also 46! My Dad died when I was 49 . . . waiting to exhale! When my step dad died a few days after my 19th birthday . . . I decided to live each day to the fullest–that (and a history of crap) lead me to make decisions that were not the best! God kept me alive for a reason and I thank him each day for that . . . I have felt like I’m on borrowed time . . . so I still live life to the fullest but in a more positive hopefully less destructive way.

      Be Blessed as you worry? how about be blessed–the Lord has wonderful things in store for you and your family!

  10. Powerful words! I love the comment to live better not bitter.

    Thanks for linking up at Motivation Mondays!

  11. kel rohlf says:

    Renee- What a nice tribute to a woman whose family must really be missing her…thanks for the reminder to live life, instead of getting lost in the maze of why must people, things, hopes and dreams die.

    1. renee says:

      I find I need that reminder more and more as the kids and life get so busy.

      Be Blessed.

  12. mommasylvia says:

    We don’t always understand His purpose in our living or our dying, but I do know that God is good and that He does indeed have a perfect plan for each and everyone of us. Thanks for the reminder!

  13. Court says:

    The ones we barely knew who change our life still always fascinate me. There was an older man in my small group like that, whose brief interactions with were always startlingly real. His teaching even continued after his sudden death as his widow did something I had never seen before and I’m sure is rare…. she grieved for him so well, out in the open, with her community around, honest and glorious. It is good to share things like this, the deep golden bits of eternity that leak out down here.

    1. renee says:

      I love this story–it makes me wonder how all of our interactions criss cross and have an effect on those we meet.

      Your comments are inspiring.

      Be Blessed.

  14. oh this breaks my heart. thank you so much for sharing friend. i’m so sorry for your loss.

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