Remember (Five Minute Friday)


Unscripted. Unedited. Real. Writing for 5 minutes prompted my a single word from Lisa-Jo.

Five Minute Friday


Go:  My style of FMF is to look at the word and type–I don’t look at it, think about, craft something wonderful . . .

Instantly I read, Remember?  I’m trying to forget.

I’ve tried to eat my way through the disappointments–why would I want to remember that?

I’ve made bad choice after bad choice–why would I want to remember that?

What I do want to remember is: my wedding day and my first kiss as a bride–my first step to surrender.   I want to remember and celebrate each pregnancy . . . no matter how it ended up.  I want to remember how blessed I am.

[tweetherder]I want to remember that all I have is this moment, how will I spend it?[/tweetherder]

Be Blessed.


my words aren’t coming.  I’m confusing remembering a happy moment with living in the past of disappointment.  I’m confusing remembering (thinking back on something that happened previously) vs. memories (then entire collected thoughts of a time period).

Clearly I have some emotional work to do today!



19 Comments Add yours

  1. Love it! What you write is so true. There are things we’d rather forget, but so much we want to remember. Remembering is the mother of memories. Thanks for sharing today!

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks for your words of encouragement–my mind, my words and my hands are not friends at the moment.

      Be Blessed.

  2. Barbie says:

    I get it! There is joy, mixed with sorry; good mixed with the challenging so many things to remember. I sometimes wish I’d only remember the good, but God allows us to remember the bad so that we won’t forget where we came from!

    1. Renee says:

      yes! you totally get it–thank you.

      Be Blessed.

  3. Amy P Boyd says:

    There is so much that we want so much to forget but there is a purpose in the remembering. There will come a time that the vivid memories of those things are just what we need to comfort a child, to encourage a friend or to bring peace to ourselves. Your post is so open and honest. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Renee says:

      Amy–what a wise way to think about those opportunities! Thank you so much for offering that perspective.

      Be Blessed.

  4. Sylvia R says:

    That’s what these five minutes so often do: get us in touch with what’s going on inside. Then posting takes bravery. Glad you did! God bless!

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks Sylvia–I forgot about putting a ribbon on a finger! How funny how one image can take us away mentally. I think I need to clear out some visual clutter!

      Be Blessed.

  5. Dana says:

    As a writer, it is brave to post without proofing and editing. As a wife/mother/daughter/person, it’s brave to open yourself up and expose the parts that you can’t decide if you want to remember or not. But as Amy said, those memories do indeed serve a purpose – we just might not see that purpose yet.

    1. Renee says:

      But Dana–I order the crystal ball/magic wand combo pack–hasn’t come yet. Until then . . . my tools are prayer and quietly waiting to hear the voice.

      Be Blessed.

  6. Lisa notes says:

    I think we all struggle with what we remember: wanting to remember the good, forget the bad. We all are in need of Divine Therapy every day. :-)

    1. Renee says:

      Divine Therapy! I love that–can I use it? I will link back :-)

      Be Blessed.

  7. Linda Stoll says:

    ah … maybe it’s when the words don’t come that we say what truly needs to be said?!
    so thankful you’re in my online world, Renee …

    1. Renee says:

      Me too! and here I thought I was just having trouble getting my “ramble on”. Thank you for encouraging me.

      Be Blessed.

  8. Mercy — for sure, remembering how blessed we are!! So glad to see you back here at FMF. It’s such an awesome community. It’s been great to get to know you in different groups. Thankful you are in my bloggy life, which is my real life.

  9. denise says:

    Enjoyed this.

  10. Ruth Povey says:

    Remember.. certainly a word that stirs a lot of emotion. I found it really interesting that you pointed out the difference between memories and actively remembering – food for thought!

    1. Renee says:

      Thanks Ruth for stopping by–I’ve read through several of the FMF posts–it is amazing how one word can create so much emotion!

      Be Blessed.

  11. Cara says:

    Very true! We’re always caught in the ebb & flow of both pain & joy of each memory. :) But yeah, with prayer, every memory does eventually become more joy , less pain. :))

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