My First Five Minute Friday!


Five Minute Friday is something that I have wanted to do for a while.  I’ve been reading them for a couple of weeks and this is the first time I have found the courage to do it . . . why do we limit ourselves?  

Linking with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday with the one word prompt: Dance.


The first vision in my mind was of a couple dancing–that seems quite ridiculous because my husband and I never dance in the traditional way of being at a party dancing the night away.

Our dance takes place in the kitchen after dinner–the kids scramble to do their after dinner chores and I put any leftovers away and my husband takes care of the dishes that have accumulated since lunch, making dinner and dinner dishes.  We flow through the kitchen knowing each others step–usually–every once in a while I move to the fridge and he moves to the garbage and we crash–not a graceful dance at that moment.

Our dance takes place as we fold the mountain of laundry that piles up–we talk and we listen to each other, laugh and throw socks into the pile–that neither of us wants to deal with. 

Our dance is daily and I’ve grown to like it this way.  I always thought I was missing out on something–but I’m not.


11 Comments Add yours

  1. Becky Daye says:

    Oh, I am so glad that you were brave enough to join in!!! What a sweet first post. I love the dance you describe as it always reminds me of the blessings in life- the full kitchen, the in-this-together nature of marriage.
    I have no doubt that you will find a wonderful community here! Such a joy to share life with like minded writers. So WELCOME!!!!! :)

  2. Tracey says:

    WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!! So glad you found your courage and took the leap into Five Minute Friday. There are such talented writers there and it can be a bit intimidating.

    Your dancing is called REAL LIFE and I love it! It’s a dance I know very well. I may have two left feet when I do the two step, but my feet know the kitchen dance steps by heart.

    So nice to meet you! Hope you have a great Friday!

    1. renee says:

      Thanks! I’m starting to figure out where my bloggy friends might be . . .

  3. This is an AWESOME first post! Isn’t it so much fun? Glad you finally took the “limit” gloves off and put the “limitless” ones on! ;)

    1. renee says:

      Thanks–can’t wait until next Friday! When does everyone find time to read other bloggers?

      1. LOL…in between all the other stuff we do! :)

  4. I love the image of you and your husband dancing as you move through life together. So glad you joined in for Five Minutes.

  5. yep! the dance of life is all inclusive. Lovely way of putting it!
    Keep up the God work

  6. Dear Renee,
    You did a wonderful job with your first Five Minute Friday. I hope that you join in regularly. I was blessed in reading your word picture. It brought to mind dancing with my husband in the kitchen or in the aisle of the supermarket.

    1. renee says:

      Thanks! So many welcoming words!

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