How to Prepare Kale (teaching video)

I love talking about food and I love getting questions from people I meet.


Just the other day, an older woman and I both were looking for beets–so I took the lead and asked the produce man if he had more in the back?  While we waited I struck up a conversation.  (because I am the Queen of Chit Chat!)

Me:  So what are you going to use your beets for?

Old Woman:  I’m on an anti-inflammatory diet and my doctor told me to eat beets.  But I don’t know how to cook them!  And I don’t even know what an anti-inflammatory diet is!

Me:  Well, lets look it up.  I whipped out my iPhone–too bad I didn’t have Siri to help me–and I looked up the diet and talked a little bit about it.  

Old Woman:   How do you cook your beets?

Me:  These beets I’m juicing–for a drink, but normally I roast them, 400 degrees for 40 minutes.  

Then we chatted a little more–I gave her the link to my website and I’d like to think she or one of her grandkids have come to my online kitchen but I’ll never know.  

This is just one example of how I am a food information magnet for people with many of my conversations centering around food and recipes.  I talk to everyone and probably seem whacky–but I’m ok with that.   It makes my heart sing to help others.

I’ll be writing about beets soon–I like to write about foods as they are in season–but I also like to write about food that I’m using, as I’m using it.  I love my beet juice!

Ok, so about kale.

curly kale
curly kale

I’ve had over 10 people ask me about kale.  More than one person said they love to eat it but have never made it at home–which had me begging the question–WHY NOT?

 “I don’t know how to cook kale.”

purple kale
purple kale

Well, now you will.  I made this video–I apologize it is on the long side–10 minutes!  But it doesn’t take 10 minutes to prepare kale.  What this video highlights:

  1. Identifies 3 different kinds of kale.
  2. How to cut kale.
  3. How to make Polenta.
  4. Nutrient facts of kale.
  5. Nutrient facts of portabella mushrooms.
  6. My favorite vegan “butter”.
  7. How to make a awesome vegan lunch.

If you like this video and you thought it was helpful–please share it or leave a comment letting me know!  It helps me create videos that are helpful to you–so let me know what you need some loving help with!  I really appreciate your input.

Be Blessed.

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